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Q: What is the difference between a carriage and a chariot?
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What is the difference between carriage inwards and carriage outwards?

Carriage Inward Including when Raw Material Import/Purchase from other side to Factory or Production house on that time use Carriage inward ( Use Trading A/c) Carriage Outward when

Did ancient Rome have horses?

In Ancient Roman times, horses were used quite often. They were a big part in military, daily life, and in mythology and stories. One might not think of the horse to be an asset to a culture but the horse played a big role.Horses were used everyday for everyday things such as:FarmingGetting aroundMoney for tradingSportsBattleStories and MythologyArtand many more

When was the first horse carriage made?

Though there were other vehicles that were drawn by horses such as the chariot, the devise that we think of as a carriage was built in Hungary in the fifthteeth century.

What is the difference between ancient greek Olympics and the Olympics now?

we dont have horse and chariot racing

Which races featured carriges pulled by horses in ancient rome?

The chariot races were a popular sport in ancient Rome. A chariot was a small carriage that was pulled by horses and driven by a charioteer.

What origin does the car come from?

The word car is derived from the Latin word carrus which translates to "wheeled vehicle". It first referred to a carriage, chariot or wagon.

Name a small horse drawn carriage?

A carriage with a hooded roof which folds into two sections is found on a landau. However, this is not necessarily a small carriage. you are probably thinking of a buggy

What is the meaning of carriage way?

carriage way is defined as the total width of the pavement or road between the kerbs or footpath.

What is the difference between a shipper and a carrier?

a carrier 'carries' goods to the address given to him by the sender. A shipper can also undertake the carriage of goods as well as arranging: the correct documents for the carriage of goods; customs farmalities; storage of goods before or after customs formalities, and payment of taxes or VAT.

What is the difference between CPT and CFR incoterms?

As per CPT incoterm, the destination terminal charges will be paid by the seller. In CFR, seller will be responsible for till payment of carriage charges, the rest buyer is responsible