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A fever blister and cold sore is the same thing.

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13y ago

There is no difference; they are the same thing.

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Q: What is the difference between a cold sore and a fever blister?
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What is another word for a cold sore?

Another name for cold sores is fever blister.

What is the common name for cold sores?

Other names for a cold sore are fever blister, oral herpes, labial herpes, herpes labialis, and herpes febrilis.

What is also know as cold sores?

Also known as cold sores are fever blister and herpes.

What kind of herpeswhich one causes fever blisters?

If you are fighting a virus or if you have a cold you might get a fever blister.

Should you pop your fever blister?

Popping a cold sore is not a good idea .The herpes virus could be in the fluid that comes out.The areas the fluids splash on could have a cold sore there.Dont pop it unless you have to.If you want it to go away,abreva is a good product.

Is it normal to have fever blisters or cold sores and cankers sores after having wisdom teeth removed?

no your wisdom teeth has nothing to do with cold sores or fever blisters. Cold sores and fever blister are a type are herpes and it is from using other people lip stick.

Can you put anti fungal liquid on a fever blister?

Yes, but it won't help. Cold sores are caused by viruses, not fungus.

What's the difference between malaria and dengue fever?

In malaria fever the patient trampling feel cold and in dengue fever patient feels pain in all body , pain in joints and headache.

Can stress cause a fever blister on the lip?

yes i think so, whenever i am stressed out or upset, my lips get dry and sometimes get cold sores.

Can amoxicillin help a fever blister?

No, cold sores are caused by a virus (Herpes Simplex) and since amoxicillin is an antibiotic, it would have no affect on the virus. Antibiotics only work to kill bacteria, they are not effective against viral infections. There are anti-viral medicines that can be prescribed for and do help relieve cold sores. Ask your doctor if your cold sore could be treated with an anti-viral.

What is a cold sore and what are the symptoms?

A cold sore is an inflamed blister around the mouth and lips. The symptoms of a cold sore are fever, sore throat, pain around the mouth, and swollen glands around the neck.

Does a fever blister mean you have HIV or AIDS?

Fever blisters, also known as cold sores or oral herpes, are an extremely common problem affecting the majority of adults. They are not a sign of HIV or AIDS.