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An alter is a place of worship. Some religions sacrifice on them; some religions consider them a holy place where they can seek their god/God; some religions use them to hold items considered holy.

A communion table holds the drink, representing the blood of Christ & the bread, representing the body of Christ. These are done in remembrance of Jesus & His sacrifice on the cross for mankind's sins.

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Q: What is the difference between a communion table and an altar?
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What do you call the communion table in a church?

In Catholic Churches (and some other denominations) they call it the 'altar'. However, the term 'altar' suggests a sacrifice, as per the altar at the Temple in Jerusalem. in the Catholic Church, they believe that the sacrifice of Jesus is reenacted at each mass (communion service) , and therefore, for the, the term 'altar' is appropriate. The protestant churches, however, tend to follow scripture more and regard Jesus's sacrifice as a once-for-all sacrifice, as per Paul's teaching. Therefore they tend to call it simply the Communion Table or even the Lord's Table.

What is a altar used for?

analter is a table where they place the bread and the wine in a holy communion

How do you refer to one who prepares the communion table?

Acolyte, altar server, deacon, or priest set the table

In the Methodist church should the cross and bible be displayed on the communion table?

Yes it is kept there, it is called the altar.


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Do protestants have an altar in their church?

Yes and no. The table of worship focus is called either an altar or a communion table. Some sanctuaries have both. "Altar" originally meant a place for sacrifice. While important, for Protestants the hope of the resurrection takes precedence, and Christ's ongoing presence is symbolized by Holy Communion, or the Eucharist.

Should you have an altar and communion table in church?

The only reason altars and communion tables are in churches is because of tradition. They weren't in the early church: hearts are more important than furniture.

What is the special table at the front of the chapel called?

That table is used for serving communion. Often you will see flowers or candle on it too.

What features do they have in a church?

there is the pulpit, font, nave(pews), altar/communion table, lectern, stained glass window, choir stalls.

The table in the most sacred part of a church is called?

In Protestant and evangelical churches it is usually called the 'communion table'; in Roman Catholic churches, the 'altar'. This difference is because Catholic teaching views the bread and wine as a re-presentation of the same sacrifice of Christ at Calvary, with the elements changing substance to the real body and blood of Christ in every respect except appearance; hence the table is an 'altar' of sacrifice. In Protestant traditions since the Reformation the elements of bread and wine are viewed in a variety of other ways, including those which emphasise their symbolic and memorial nature, or to be the occasion of a real but spiritual presence of Christ; hence 'communion table' rather than 'altar'. 'Higher' forms of Protestant churches, including those in the 'Anglo-Catholic' tradition, place a premium on Catholic continuity, and are closer in practice, doctrine and terminology to the Roman Catholic position. Without taking note of the distinctions above 'altar' has become part of popular usage, especially in terms like 'altar call'.

Where is the altar in a church building?

It is placed in the center because Christ himself is the altar the main emphasis in the church.AnswerMost churches have an altar (or 'communion table' ) at the east end of the church. Some modern churches have them at the centre but this is an exception rather than the rule.

What is a Christian altar?

The (Christian) Altar is where the Holy Communion takes place. It is a kind of high table usually located at the front of churches with a cross on it. The word Alter reminds Christians of the sacrifice and death of Jesus on the cross.