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what is the difference between a dentist and a dental hygienist

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Q: What is the difference between a dentist and a dental hygenist?
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Related questions

If I already have dental hygenist training, will that help me train to become a dentist?

Having worked in the dental field will help you as you pursue a degree as a dentist.

Who works under supervision of a dentist to remove stains and deposits?

Dental Hygienist)

How does one obtain a dental hygenist certification?

Once you study to become a dentist assistant, you can then take an exam to become a dental hygenist. You can earn one by talking to your dentist boss and maybe he will tell you where and when to call and make an appointment.

Are dental hygenist jobs high paying?

The job as a dental hygenist is not considered a high paying job. It requires certification and is a lot of work. A dentist would be a high paying job but one must complete medical school to become a dentist.

Where can someone get dental hygenist lessons?

You can get Dental lessons at the orthodontists offices or at any other dentist office. These lessons can range in price from sixty dollars to one hundred and twenty dollars.

What are some related occupations to doctors?

Orthodontist, periodontist, dental hygenist, equine dentist.

What does DH stand for in dentistry?

It stands for dental hygene or dental hygenist.

Can you locate any dental hygenist jobs for me?

For a dental hygenist job you must have your board certifications. These jobs pay well though, so its worth the investment!

How long does it take to finish dental school?

Dental school takes anywhere from two to eight years going full time. If you are going to be a hygenist it will take about two years. If you are going to be a dentist it is more like eight years.

What is the difference between people who go to the dentist regularly and people who don't?

By visiting the dentist can help detect cavity and other dental problems, whereas people who don't are susceptible to dental problems when it is too late, than uprooting them and be content with artificial teeth.

What are the two different methods of dental cleaning used by a dental hygenist?

coronal polishing and hand scaling

What career cluster is a dental hygenist?

human resources and health science!