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Q: What is the difference between a frond and a cone?
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What is the difference between frond and cone?

A cone (n) is a shape whose base is a circle and whose sides taper up to a point. A frond (n) is a compound leaf of a fern or palm or cycad.

What are some difference between cone and a prism?

the difference between a cone and a prism is that a cone has no edges and only one vertex and a prism has both edges and vertexes.

What is the difference between a cone and a fruit?

a friut has a nut in the middle of it and a cone doesn't.

What is the difference between a triangle and a cone?

A triangle is 2D, and has a square base. A cone is 3D, and has a circular base.

What is the difference between a symons cone crusher and a spring cone crusher?

A symons cone crusher is an upgrade from a spring cone crusher.

Difference between cone and right circular cone?

In a right circular cone the apex is directly above the centre of the base.

Difference between a sphere and a cone?

A sphere to a cone is the same as a circle is to a triangle but they are both 3 dimensional.

What the difference between a triangle prism and a cone?

A cone has a circle for a base and a triangular prism has a triangle for a base

Is there a difference between an acorn and a pine cone?

Yes, Lauren.

What is the difference between cone and cylinder?

A cylinder has two bases that are circles but a cone only has one base then a vertex.

What is the difference between a cylinder and a cone?

A cylinder has two bases that are circles but a cone only has one base then a vertex.

What is difference between exhaust cone and exhaust plug?

Both are the same