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None they are the same. Although some who call themselves Hellenic Polytheists (such as myself) dislike the name pagan for multiple reasons.

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Q: What is the difference between a hellenic pagan and a hellenic polytheist?
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How can you get in contact with Greek god worshippers?

You are looking for the Hellenic Polytheistic Reconstructionism (also Hellenic Reconstructionism).Old Stones, New Temples (2000), written by American author Drew Campbell, is a book that tells of this.In the US, the Hellenic polytheist organization Hellenion: "Hellenic Pagan Reconstructionism" and describes the religion as "Hellenismos" (Ἑλληνισμός, Hellēnismós) - you have to pay a fee to become a "member" of the religion - there are only 40+ members.Another American group, Elaion, uses the term "Dodekatheism": through they are not accepting new members.Look also for terms like "Greek reconstructionism" and "Hellenic Traditionalism".

What is the difference between pagan and religion?

Pagan beliefs are one type of religion. There are other types of religion, which are not usually considered to be "pagan".

What is the term polytheism?

Polytheist means to worship more than one God, the term polytheist referred to in the life of the Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) were the pagan idol worshipers of Arabia as they believed in over 360 gods.

Is the general term 'pagan' used to describe religions that are not monotheistic and are unlike Judaism Christianity or Islam?

Pagan is a term that can be used, but it is often considered derisive. A better term would be "polytheist" if they believe in multiple gods or "animist" if they believe in spirits.

Is a pagan and a Christian the same?

No. Christians are monotheists who worship one deity. Pagans are often polytheist. They worship many deities and often welcome the deities of others into their folds.

Who were priestesses in Greek Orthodox Christianity?

There are no priestesses in Greek Orthodoxy as it showed the difference between them and Pagan religions.

What are some current Pagan religions?

Paganism is an umbrella term that encompasses all of the non-abrahamic religions. This means that every religion that has not descended from Judaism, Christianity, or Islam is pagan. Wicca, Ásatrú, Hellenic Polytheism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto, and Taoism are all examples of pagan religions.

Difference between ancient Rome and Rome now?

Time and culture are the difference between ancient Rome and present day Rome. The ancients were pagan and lived in the pagan culture, with it's values and outlooks. The modern Roman is mostly Christian and lives according to Christian values and outlooks.

What are ways in which Artemis is brought into our world today?

Artemis is still worshiped by pagan Hellenic Pagan groups and some Wiccans: because of the popularity of Greek culture in America, Artemis is a well known name, if not worshiped by most modern people.

What is the difference between Christian art and pagan art?

Christian art depicts figures and stories from the Christian Bible. Pagan art depicts figures and stories from any number of pagan sources. Many of the classical artists did both Christian and pagan works, sometimes blending the two into a single art piece.

Was Prophet Mohammad ever a Catholic?

== No, Before Islam, he was born in polytheist Arab pagan culture, religions of Mecca. He always was against its idealogy, and considered it illogical and wondered about monothesim and was in constant search of truth.

What is the word for believing in Zeus?

There is no specific term that people commonly use to refer to a believer in the Greek Pantheon. The words "polytheist" and "pagan" are used, but these words are imprecise and refer to any multi-divinity pantheon.