

What is the difference between a pagan and an atheist?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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pagans believe in many gods such as the sun god, god of love and so on. Atheists don't believe there is a god at all.

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Q: What is the difference between a pagan and an atheist?
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Pagan beliefs are one type of religion. There are other types of religion, which are not usually considered to be "pagan".

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No. Pagans believe in various gods. An atheist does not believe in any god or gods.

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What is the difference between pagans and atheists?

Being a pagan is believing in some god other than the Judeo-Christian God. Examples of pagan religions are Wicca, Animism, Asatru/ Odinism, etc. An atheist is someone who denies or disbelieves in any type of god or other supernatural beings.

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Christian art depicts figures and stories from the Christian Bible. Pagan art depicts figures and stories from any number of pagan sources. Many of the classical artists did both Christian and pagan works, sometimes blending the two into a single art piece.

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Atheist believe there is no god/gods, pantheism believes everything is god. Technically one can be both an atheist and a pantheist if one believes that everything is sacred/holy but not god (as some radical environmentalists do).