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Q: What is the difference between a insulator and a conductor identify an insulator and conductor ansers for kids?
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The difference between a good conductor and a good insulator?

A good insulator means a bad conductor. It is the opposite of good conductor.

What is the difference between a insualator and a conductor?

Conductor will carry current/insulator won't.

What is the difference between conductor and insulater?

A conductor can conduct heat and electricity, but an insulator can't.

What are the examples of insulator and conductor?

The difference between a conductor and an insulator is that a conductor allows electrons to travel. This is because the "outer electrons" of a conductor are not anchored like those of an insulator. Conductors tend to be metals. Some examples of insulators are plastic, glass, rubber and wood.

What material has resistance between a conductor and a insulator?

The resistance between a conductor and an insulator is: Wood, fabric, and water!

What is the difference between insulator and bad conductor and semi conductor?

an insulator doesn't allows electricity pass from it, a bad conductor allows electricity to pass from it but not fully or completely and a semi conductor pass electricity in little form which used to operate electronics

What is the difference between an insulator and a good conductor of heat?

Insulator is a substance that does not allow heat to pass through it example air. conductor is a substance that allows heat to pass through it example metal.

What is the difference between a conductor and a insulater?

a conductor attracts and an insulator keeps it all together

Differentiate in between conductor and semiconductor and insulators using band diagram?

Conductor-one which conducts(allow current)electric city in all condition. Semiconductor-One which behaves like conductor as well as insulator depending on condition. Insulator-one which donot conduct(allow current)electric city in all condition

What is definition of semiconductor conductor and insulator?

semiconductor is intermediate between conductor and non conductor of electricity

What is the difference between semiconductor and electronics?

A semiconductor is a device which is neither a Insulator nor a conductor. They behave like one in the right conditions.

Describe the difference between insulator and conductor?

Insulators prevent electric current from flowing, while conductors allow it to flow freely.