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Q: What is the difference between a jagged line and a zig zag line?
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How do you use the zig zag function on your Kenmore sewing machine model 158.12270?

I do not beleive the zig zag works as mine does not, looking at the top of the machine where the zig zag knob is located the internal cam seems to be on backwards thus reandering it useless. The machine sews excellent in streight stitch. sorry!

When did zig and zag the clowns start?

I thought they were the aliens from the Big Breakfast

How does Arlecchino in comeddia dell Arte walk?

Arlecchino never walks in a straight line, opting instead to zig-zag. He walks to a waltz-like beat of 1-2-3, 1-2-3, stepping left-center-right, left-center-right. Like Zanni, Arlecchino is led by his nose--his head follows an object, and then his body goes after it.

Why aren't timezones strait lines?

the time zones 1 hr equal 15 degrees +- from 0 the greenwich meridian the date line +/- 12 180DEGREES zig zag s in the pacific around several island counties because they have adopted a day not strictly in line with their longitude for various historic reasons ,certain states adopted time to save daylight 1 hr more than it strictly should be.longitude doesnt lie its man who nudges the line

What is the difference between a seismograph and the Richter scale?

Seismic waves are the vibrations from earthquakes that travel through the Earth; they are recorded on instruments called seismographs. Seismographs record a zig-zag trace that shows the varying amplitude of ground oscillations beneath the instrument. Sensitive seismographs, which greatly magnify these ground motions, can detect strong earthquakes from sources anywhere in the world. The time, locations, and magnitude of an earthquake can be determined from the data recorded by seismograph stations. The Richter magnitude scale was developed in 1935 by Charles F. Richter of the California Institute of Technology as a mathematical device to compare the size of earthquakes. The magnitude of an earthquake is determined from the logarithm of the amplitude of waves recorded by seismographs.

Related questions

What are jagged lines in word?

If they're red and under the word, it means the word is misspelled. If they are green then it's a grammar error.

What is the difference between stab and streaking surface methods of inoculation?

In stabbing, it means pushing the needle to the bottom part of the tube while streaking, it is having a line in a zig-zag manner over the surface of the agar.

How do you cut zig zag shape out of the paper?

There are special scissors called 'pinking shears' that cut with a zig-zag line.

What are the general properties of the elements in the group to the right of the periodic table?

Generally, the elements to the right of the zig zag line on the periodic table are non-metals, elements to the left of the zig zag line on the periodic table are metals, and elements on the zig zag line are metalloids with the exception of aluminum, which is a metal.

What are the general properties of the elements in the group to the right in the periodic table'?

Generally, the elements to the right of the zig zag line on the Periodic Table are non-metals, elements to the left of the zig zag line on the periodic table are metals, and elements on the zig zag line are metalloids with the exception of aluminum, which is a metal.

Which nonmetal is not located to the right of the zig zag line?


Where on the periodic table are the metals located?

in the zig zag line

How many different line designs are there?

The different type of line designs are zig zag, parallel, dotted, dashed, perpendicular, curved, straight and wavy. The most used line designs are zig zag, dotted and straight.

What design does Charlie Brown have on his sweater?

Charlie Brown is known for wearing a yellow shirt with a jagged black line at the bottom, resembling a lightning bolt pattern. This design has become a recognizable and iconic symbol of the character.

What does the zig zag line on the periodic table spearte?

The zig zag lie comprises of metalloids. They separate transition elements and non-metals.

What does the zig-zag line on the right side of the table separate?


Is the zig zag line on the periodic table halogens?

no, they are the semimetals/metalloids.