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Q: What is the difference between a lagoon and a lejeune?
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The difference between a lagoon and a legume?

the letters are spelled diferent

What is the difference between a lagoon and the ocean?

A lagoon is a body of water surrounded by land, sort of like a bay. They are much smaller than oceans.

What is the difference between coral and sea fans?

The difference between coral and sea fans are Coral forms a barrier between a lagoon and the open sea. Sea fans adorn the landscape.

What is the difference between a lagoon and a bay?

Lagoon is a stretch of salt water separated from the sea by a low sand bank or a coral reef whereas Bay is a broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inwards.

When was Jean Lejeune born?

Jean Lejeune was born in 1592.

When did Jean Lejeune die?

Jean Lejeune died in 1672.

When was Emile Lejeune born?

Emile Lejeune was born in 1853.

When was Rita Lejeune born?

Rita Lejeune was born in 1906.

When did Arsène Lejeune die?

Arsène Lejeune died in 1938.

When was Arsène Lejeune born?

Arsène Lejeune was born in 1866.

When was Henry Lejeune born?

Henry Lejeune was born in 1819.