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A line segment is a smaller section of a straight line and has a finite length and distinctively identified on a drawing by the points at the both ends

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Purva Kulkarni

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3y ago
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Q: What is the difference between a line and opposite rays?
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What is formed by two opposite rays?

what is formed by two opposite rays?

What are opposite rays?

Opposite rays are halves of a line. There is one endpoint and the two rays extend infinitely from it in opposite directions. The endpoint can actually be any point on the line, but it can be assumed to be the midpoint.

An angle formed by opposite rays is?

The angle that is formed by the opposite rays is called the straight angle. This is from the fact that the opposite rays form a straight line.

Do opposite rays form a line?

yes because its opposite

What are collinear rays with the same endpoint that form a line?

Opposite Rays

What are two rays with the same endpoint that form a line?

They are opposite rays.

What do two opposite rays form?

A ray is a portion of a line that starts at one point and infinitely goes off in the opposite direction. Two opposite rays form a line.

Two rays that share a common endpoint and are collinear?

What about them?These are known as opposite rays. They form a line.

What is the measure of the angle formed by opposite rays?

180 degrees because opposite rays form a straight line.

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Do two opposite rays sometimes form a line?


What does a opposite rays look like?

like a compass needle, north and south are opposite rays on the needle. same for west and east. 2 opposite rays always make a line, and they share the same endpoint <-----------@--------------@------------> (the @ sign is the endpoint of one of the rays)