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An arthropod infection is normally linked to infections as result of a bite from a tick. A mycotic infection is a disease caused by a fungus.

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Q: What is the difference between a mitotic infection and an arthropod infection?
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A structure called the mitotic can be seen between the centrioles of animal cells when cells are reproducing?

mitotic spindle

What is the difference between mitotic and mitosis?

Mitosis refers to the phases prophase through telophase where replicated genetic material is being separated into two identical nuclei. Mitotic phase refers to all of mitosis AND cytokinesis, the process after mitosis in which the nuclei, cytoplasm, organelles, and cell membrane divides into roughly equal two daughter cells.

Difference between cleavage and mitotic cell division?

mitosis is a division of nuucleus while cleavageis the division of cytoplasm and cleavage increases the number of cellswithout increasing mass and mitosis increasing mass as well as numbers.

What is the noun for mitotic?

The word 'mitotic' is the adjective form of the noun mitosis.

What is one difference between mitotic cell division in plant and mitotic cell division in animals?

There are two key differences. 1) In animal cells, there are centrioles that pull on the spindle fibers at the left and right poles of the cell during metaphase. Centrioles do not exist in plant cells. 2) When a cell ends telophase and reenters into interphase, plant and animal cells vary. Plant cells form a plate or wall in the center of it's cytoplasm to divide and eventually break apart the cell into two. Animal cells squeeze inward until they pinch apart into two.

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What grows across a cell before it splits into new ones?

The mitotic spindle grows across a cell before it splits into new ones. The mitotic spindle forms at the beginning of mitosis between opposite ends of the cell. This is what the chromosomes attach to.

What is the Period of cell growth and development between divisions?

This is called interphase. It includes three parts: G 1: post-mitotic phase S : DNA replication phase G 2: pre-mitotic phase .the answer is INTERPHASEInterphase !interphase baby

The cloning of cells involves in the process of?

Mitotic cell division. #3 on castlelearning(;

What are the genetic consequences of mitotic cell division for the resulting daughter cells?

The genetic consequence of mitotic cell division is that the resulting daughter cells are genetically identical to each other and to the parent cell. This is because the DNA is accurately replicated and evenly distributed between the daughter cells during mitosis. Therefore, no genetic variation is introduced during mitotic cell division.

What is a mitotic lesion?

A mitotic lesion is one in which there is an increased rate of mitosis in cells. This can be indicative of cancer where there is abnormal proliferation of cells.

What is mitotic lesion?

A mitotic lesion is one in which there is an increased rate of mitosis in cells. This can be indicative of cancer where there is abnormal proliferation of cells.