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Q: What is the difference between a photograph and a panting?
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For a photograph you need a camera for a sketch you need a pad and pencil

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For a photograph you need a camera for a sketch you need a pad and pencil

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Clip art is a drawing and an animation is a photograph.

What are the similarities between a map and a photograph?

A map is spell map and a photograph is spell phototgraph.

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holograms are visual portraits that is projected by light. Pictures are also visual portraits, but is captured by light

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For a photo that shows you the difference between an uncircumcised as opposed to a circumcised penis, see the Related Link.

What is the difference between an illustration and a photo?

A photograph is an image taken with a camera, an illustration is usually hand drawn or drawn from scratch with an image editor.

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a sculpture is a three-dimmensional object while a model is a representation of a background or image

What is the difference between showing and telling?

If I showed you a photograph of a beautiful sunset, I would be showing a beautiful sunset - which you could see for yourself. If I didn't have the photograph to show you, but tried to describe the sunset scene, then I would be telling - leaving you to imagine the scene for yourself.

What are some panting of china?

well china has lots of panting there is the wiki panting and the

What is a sentence for the word panting?

My dog has been panting all day.The wolf sat in the corner, panting and eyeing up the prey he has saved for dinner.

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