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Q: What is the difference between a plains Bison and a Wood bison?
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Why is the Bison most remembered as a Plains animal?

They are remembered as a plains animal because most movies show the Plains Bison, or bison bison.

In 1500 between 60 million and 125 million American bison roamed the plains. These bison were used by Native Americans as a primary food source but this did not have much effect on the bison populatio?

In 1500 between 60 million and 125 million American bison roamed the plains. These bison were used by Native Americans as a primary food source but this did not have much effect on the bison population ?

How do American bison get there food?

The bison ate the plains grasses.

What is the American bison habitat?

the bison live on plains prairies and river valleys

What was at the center of the American Indian culture in the western Plains?

Movement to follow the bison- Apex(:

Are there bison in Maryland?

No. Never was bison in Massachusetts. They are a plains animal and found on the great American plains. Today the largest herd is in Yellowstone National Park.

Where in the world would you fine a bison?

The natural habitat of the bison is the plains of the American mid-west.

What habitat do bisons live?

Primarily open grasslands. Wood bison or bison that are a mix of wood and plains bison, will also live in or near forested areas.

Did the plains Indians eat?

They ate bison.

What was the center of American Indian culture in western plains?

Movement to follow the bison ~ apex

What is the scientific name for Buffalo horn?

That would depend on which type of buffalo you are referring to. There are American Buffalo, Wisent (aka Eurasian Buffalo), Water Buffalo, etc.

How many types of buffalo are there?

There are five types of bison alive today: Plains bison, Woods bison (all sub-species of the American Bison), Wisent (European bison), Cape Buffalo, and the Asian Water Buffalo (tame/domesticated ones are commonly referred to as Carabao). Plains and Woods bison are found in the United States and Canada. Wisents are found in Europe. Cape buffalo are found in Africa, and Water buffalo are found in Asia.