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A podium is an elevated platform for a lecturer or orchestra conductor, while a lectern is a reading stand for a public speaker

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Q: What is the difference between a podium and lecturn?
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What is church lectern?

A lecturn is a small pedistal type podium that can be portable and used for giving lectures, speeches, sermons, performing ceremonies such as weddings, commencements, etc. Also, can be used as a sheet music stand for conducting orchestral arrangements.

What does the root word lect mean?

I'm guessing you are asking about the root for lectern, as there is no such word as lecturn. Lectern is from the Latin word legere which means "to read."

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The plural of podium is podiums.

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Podium is a noun.

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What is the difference between a dais and a podium?

A dais is generally a platform higher than floor level enabling people seated or standing on the dais to be seen by the rest of the people in the room, often upon which is set a "head table" and chairs. A podium is a raised platform (similar to dais). Strictly speaking, if one person is standing on a raised platform it's a podium, if there's more than one, it's a dais. Additionally, a 'lectern' is a desk or stand w/ a slanted top used by public speakers. The lectern is placed on the podium.

What is the difference between a pulpit and a podium?

A pulpit is a raised platform in a church where a preacher stands to deliver a sermon, while a podium is a raised platform for a speaker or performer to stand on and address an audience. Pulpits are typically found in religious settings, while podiums are more commonly used in secular environments like conferences, lectures, and events.

When was Own the Podium created?

Own the Podium was created in 2004.