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Well a puggle is bigger then a pocket puggle.So the difference is that the

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13y ago

A "Puggle" is a popular mixed breed of dog that's a cross between a Pug, and a Beagle. It is not a pure breed of dog.

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Q: What is the difference between a puggle and a pocket puggle?
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Is there a breed of dog called a Puggle?

A puggle is a mix between a pug and a beagle.

How is a pug and a puggle alike?

A "puggle" is the designer name for a cross between a pug and a beagle. Strictly speaking, a puggle should retain half of the characteristics of its pug parent.

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How can a puggle be like a pug or beagle?

A Puggle is a cross between a Pug and a Beagle, usually the father is Pug and mother Beagle. Puggle is usually fawn colour with dark muzzle larger than a Pug with more nose and longer legs.

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Game Boy pocket is more compact and is easier to put in your pocket than the tradition type of Game Boy.

What is a puggle?

A puggle is a type of mixed breed dog. It is made up of 1/2 pug and 1/2 beagle. They are usually a light tan color. My puggle loves snow is really playful! Emma123 part pug part beagle fawn color SO CUTE and PRECIOUS part pug part beagle and adorable we had one named mocha but she died cuz she had diabetes :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

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Whats the difference between scooter and pocket bike?

The difference between a scooter and a pocket bike is the speed capability. The pocket bike is small in size but it can achieve speeds over 80 mph in some cases. The scooter has a governor that does not let it go past 45 mph in most cases, and the motor is not set up to run fast like the pocket bike.

Is the puggle a good dog to have?

depends on what the puggle's personality is AND what your personality is.

How do you make a puggle on mutt maker?

A beagle and a pug makes a puggle.

Is a Puggle a good puppy to buy?

Yes a puggle is a awsome dog and it loves children

What is the difference in pocketful or pocket full?

a pocket full is something full in your pocket pocketful is like a handful