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ok, for one thing cant you taste the difference! But pumkins are grown one the ground and squash is grown on a vine! Now how hard was that?This is not true as to how they are grown. They both grow the same way. Try it. We grow lots of both every year. There is a taste difference.

the difference between a pumpkin and a squash?A. It is all in what you call it. Varieties of each of the four species, discussed in this section are popularly called "pumpkins," and varieties of each are called "squash," more by tradition than by system. In fact, orange color sometimes helps determine what is a pumpkin. Two varieties of the same species, C. maxima, hold the records for the world's largest squash and pumpkin. The variety called squash is gray to green and larger one called a pumpkin is pinkish to orange. Shape may vary slightly, but these two freely inter-pollinate and are botanically pretty much identical. Unless you are dealing with specific rules or regulations at a show, you can pretty much interchange the words squash and pumpkin, though you can expect a fight with purists, no matter what you do.

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Both grow on a vine, but their taste is totally different. Pumpkin is normally eaten as a desert, where squash is normally eaten only as a vegetable.

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