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They r the same

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Q: What is the difference between a respirometer and spirometer?
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What is the main disadvantage of a simple respirometer?

There is no inherent disadvantage with a simple respirometer for what I would assume to be a teaching application. There needs to be an understanding of the difference between teaching and research. A teaching unit is a black box that gives you numbers, a research grade respirometer gives you the actual data from the analyzers. Many manufacturers of teaching and or instructional systems such as Qubit Systems market their products as research grade but they are generally recognized as being strictly for teaching.

An instrument used to measure the volume of respired air?

the spirometer

What is used to measure oxygen consumption?

a respirometer

What is the function of the syringe in respirometer?

The function of the syringe in the respirometer practical is to make fine adjustments to the level of the manometer fluid, to ensure it is the same on either side.

What does a spirometer measure?

A spirometer is used in measuring the air capacity of the lungs.

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How does a respirometer work?

A respirometer works by measuring the amount of oxygen breathed in and measuring the amount of carbon dioxide breathed out. It also measures how long it takes from a breath in to a breath out for normal respiration.

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What test is used to identify the gas given off by the yeast?


When an organism inside the respirometer consumes oxygen what happens to the water?

It dissolves.

Why would one need to used a spirometer?

A spirometer can be used to monitor a person's breathing rate and the volume of air inhaled and exhaled. For persons suffering of lung-disease or asthma, this can make a spirometer a valuable monitoring tool in regards of their specific illnesses.