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a mouse has a longer snout and a longer tail than a vole and also has larger ears they are both rodents and both in the order of Rodentia and are named after the Latin name rodere which means gnaw because they're teeth never stop growing so they need something to gnaw on to keep the teeth from growing to large and if it does then it could grow into they're tongue causing pain or grow too long and it will be harder for it to eat. mice and voles mainly eat seeds and berries. they live in multiple Terran depending on theyre species( i am hoping to be a vet or something to do with animals so that's how i know so much)

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11y ago
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13y ago

They eat any type of fruit or vedgeables I've heard on the wildlife programs

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13y ago

Voles are omnivores, eating vegetation and insects.

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14y ago

yes, a vole is a omnivore like many other mice.

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11y ago

Voles' diets consist mainly of seeds and other plant matter, but they also consume insects. Because they eat both plants and animals, voles are classified as omnivores.

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13y ago

a vole is a mouse like or ratlike rodents of the genus Microtus and related genera having short limbs and a short tail

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Yes, it is an animal.

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Q: What is the difference between a vole and a mouse?
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A vole is a mouse like creature and quite small. Rabbits can grow to be very large. The answer to your question is A Rabbit is bigger.

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The spelling "vole" is a word, referring to a small mouse-like rodent. The anagram is the word "love."

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This depends on where you live. It could be a wood mouse, field mouse, house mouse, mole, vole, packrat or something else. You would have to see it to identify it.