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A white dwarf is the final stage after the death of a star roughly the size of our sun. It is composed mostly of nickle and iron metal (the end products of nuclear fusion) and is initially very hot (i.e. "white"). Eventually it will cool off becoming a black dwarf and nearly impossible to detect.

A black hole is the final stage after the death of very massive stars. The mass of the star is so great that the force of gravity completely overwhelms any repulsion of the other three forces and quantum effects that prohibit matter from occupying the same place. The entire star's mass collapses into a single infinitesimally small point and an "event horizon" forms around this point where gravity is so strong that nothing including light can escape out of and anything falling through it will fall into that point with no chance of escape.

Stephen Hawking also hypothesized that the big bang also created many microscopic black holes that due to quantum effects radiate mass and energy faster and faster as they get smaller, until they suddenly explode destroying themselves. (Note: black holes created by the collapse of large dead stars cannot do this)

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Q: What is the difference between a white dwarf and a black hole?
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What is the difference between white dwarfs and black dwarfs?

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What difference between a white dwarf and a black hole?

A white dwarf is a white hot solid ball of nickel-iron alloy, a black hole is an infinitesimal singularity of infinite density surrounded by total emptiness.

What is the relationship between a black dwarf and a white dwarf?

A white dwarf will cool very slowly to become a black dwarf. This process will take longer than the current age of the universe.

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What does a white dwarf eventually become?

A black dwarf.

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No in the life cycle of a star, a white dwarf can cool and become a black dwarf

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Red giant - Black dwarf. See related questions.

What do you think the difference is between a black dwarf and a supernova explosion?

A black dwarf is a dead white dwarf. By dead, I mean a star that no longer burns. A white dwarf, in turn, is a dead "moderate" star (a star like our sun). So a black dwarf is a star that's died twice, with mass not much higher or probably lower than that of our sun. A supernova, is the "death" of a star that's really huge. By huge, I mean it has a mass that's considerably higher than that of our sun. That kind of star doesn't turn into a white dwarf. Rather, it becomes either a neutron star (pulsar or non-pulsar) or a black hole.