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The article at the link below should help you get a handle on the subtle differences between accuracy and precision.

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Q: What is the difference between an accurate and a precise measurement?
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What measurement is more precise and accurate?

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What are accuracy and precision and what is the difference between accuracy and precision?

Imagine a dartboard. An accurate measurement would be analogous to hitting the bulls-eye. While a precise measurement is just the tight clustering of shots.

A measurement that is accurate is one that?

The measurement that is accurate is one that is precise. These are also commonly titled accurate measurements in the books.

Is less precise instrument always more accurate?

No. Accurate relates to how close the actual measurement the instrument measures. Precise relates to how much detail the instrument gives when measuring. They are independent to each other: An measurement can be precise and accurate (eg the value of π is 3.141592654) An measurement can be precise and inaccurate (eg the value of π is 1.733677432) An measurement can be less precise and accurate (eg the value of π is 3.14) An measurement can be less precise and inaccurate (eg the value of π is 1.73).

Is a accurate measurement automatically precise?

An automatically measurement has a higher precision than a manually measurement.

Can a measurement be precise without being accurate?

You can make a very precise measurement with a poorly calibrated device.

How does one know if measurement is precise or accurate?

because of the mass

Is it possible to have measurement that are precise but not accurate?

Yes it is possible. 21.354 inches is very precise but could be inaccurate.

Which measurement is more precise 57 57.2 57.21 or 57.213?

The word accurate is a synonym for precise. So the most accurate (or precise) answer would be 57.213 because it is more accurate if the number is not rounded.

What is the difference between acurtate and precise?

An accurate answer to a question answers the question. The precision depends on the level of accuracy of the answer.

What is true if a digital scale reports a 10kg weight as weighing 8.975 kg?

The scale is precise but not accurate. (APEX)

Why are both accuracy and precision important in making a measurement?

because they are both a reliable measurement and is both accurate and precise