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AIR RAID - This was when soliders saw enemy planes coming over to their country and they would sound an alarm and civilians had to go into anderson shelters or even in th London underground.

ATOMIC BOMB - This was after the Pearl Harbour bombing and the Americans decided to wipe out a whole city using a really powerful bomb. An atomic bomb is the same as a nuclear bomb.

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Q: What is the difference between an air raid and atomic bomb?
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A bomb shelter. A simplistic answer for a inane question.

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December 7

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Atomic bombs. And some grenades... but, really, once you drop a nuke nothing else really matters. Really? The 500 to 1000 plane firebombing raids on Japan killed more people per raid than either atomic bomb, and several of those raids happened every night. They threatened to eliminate potential atomic bomb target cities faster than the atomic bombs could be built. A special list of cities reserved as atomic bomb targets had to be prepared to prevent this!

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a lot of people got killed because of the bomb.

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they went into there bomb shelter

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go in your bomb shelter.

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Chester W. Nimitz

What were the effects of the atomic bomb on the people living in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

--------------------Hiroshima----- Nagasaki Pre-raid population 255,000 195,000 Dead----------------- 66,000---- 39,000 Injured --------------69,000 -----25,000 Total Casualties --135,000---- 64,000