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Militia are state reserve forces. Regular Army are active duty soldiers.

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Q: What is the difference between an army and a militia?
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What is the difference between a militia and a regime?

Militia - loosely organized citizen's army, often self armed.Regime - a form of government.

What is the difference between the army and the militia?

Militia is a body of citizens enrolled for military service, called out for drill but serving full time only in emergencies. An army is a body of full time professional soldiers

What were the differences between the continental army and the militia?

The continental army had men who enlisted, and was like a regular army. The militia had temporary and unprofessional who were mostly farmers.

Washington was aware of the difference Militia and the regular army?

It's a pretty safe assumption that he was.

The biggest difference between militia and minutemen was?


What is the synanyms of militia?

The synonym for "militia" is "army".

What is a volunteer army?

A professional soldier that hires his or her services is known as a mercenary. An army group of such volunteer soldiers would be mercenaries.

What is the different between the army and the militia?

Militia is a body of citizens enrolled for military service, called out for drill but serving full time only in emergencies. An army is a body of full time professional soldiers

How do you use militia in a sentence?

Militia is civil soldiers. militia helps army when required.

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What is citizens army?


Can you give me a sentence for militia?

The militia was called into service to repel the attacking army. The Minutemen were the early militia for the colonists.