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Q: What is the difference between an art house film and a blockbuster?
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How was an endhiran film?

Blockbuster hit.

What is the difference between silent film and sound film?

The difference between silent film and sound film is because that silent film has no sound whatsoever and a sound film has sounds in it

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Difference between thick and thin film resistor is not related to thickness but its based on how the film is applied to the surface.

What was significant about the movie Jaws?

It was the first summer blockbuster film.

What movie set the stage for the blockbuster film in the early '70s?

The Answer Is : ( GodFather )

Difference between thick and thin film integrated circuits?

they have differe.nt method of deposition of film of conducting material. Hence, the difference between two is their fabrication process.

What is best. Blockbuster or Love film?

It depends - Blockbuster has the convenience of having at least one branch in almost every UK town, but charges you for each day you keep a film. Love film does everything by post and internet, and you get to keep it as long as you like without any penalties.

What is the difference between a feature film and a supporting feature?

there the same

What is the difference between a digital film and just the regular film?

A digital film is stored and played from a hard drive. Technically its not film at all.

What is the difference between novel holes and the film of holes?

There is no difference, in the movie they used the same dialogue as they did in the book.

What is the difference between indie film and local film?

An indie film simply isn't supported by a production company but it can still be widely available.

When is the feature film Waitress scheduled for DVD release?

9/11/07 Release computers from Blockbuster.