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There isn't automatically any. A democratic government can be authoritarian, or liberal. Democratic denotes the form of its constitution, authoritarian its manner of government. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive, though their spirit is broadly contrary.

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An authoritarian government is characterized by centralized power and limited individual freedoms, with decisions made by a single ruler or small group. In contrast, a democratic government is based on principles of equality, participation, and accountability, where power is distributed among elected representatives and citizens have the right to participate in decision-making processes through free and fair elections.

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Q: What is the difference between an authoritarian government and democratic government?
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What is the difference between a democratic transition and democratic consolidation?

A democratic transition refers to the process of moving from an authoritarian regime to a democratic system, often involving changes in political institutions and practices. Democratic consolidation, on the other hand, refers to the establishment and maintenance of a stable democratic system over time, with strong democratic norms, institutions, and practices deeply rooted in society. In essence, a transition is the initial shift to democracy, while consolidation is the ongoing process of strengthening and maintaining democratic principles.

How does Procedural Democratic Theory differ from Substantive Democratic Theory?

Procedural democratic theory focuses on the process and procedures of democratic decision-making, emphasizing fair and inclusive processes for reaching decisions. On the other hand, substantive democratic theory emphasizes the outcomes and results of decision-making, focusing on achieving social justice, equality, and other substantive goals within a democratic system.

Difference between one party system and a Westminster model of government?

A one-party system is a political system where only one political party is allowed to exist and hold power, often associated with authoritarian regimes. On the other hand, the Westminster model of government is a democratic system with multiple political parties where the party with the majority in parliament forms the government and the leader of that party becomes the head of government.

Distinguish between democratic and nondemocratic conditions?

Democratic conditions generally involve free and fair elections, protection of basic human rights and freedoms, rule of law, separation of powers, and government accountability to the people. In contrast, nondemocratic conditions can involve restrictions on political participation, lack of respect for human rights, authoritarian rule, censorship, limited political freedoms, and lack of transparency in governance.

What are all the democratic countries in the world?

Some examples of democratic countries in the world include the United States, Canada, Australia, Germany, and Japan. These countries have systems of government that provide for free and fair elections, protect individual rights and freedoms, and separate powers between branches of government.

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What is the difference between democracy and authoritarian?

Answer 1Authoritarianism is absolute rule by one, usually a Dictator or Monarch and Democracy is rule by all or by every citizen having a say in what is done.Answer 2The difference between an authoritarian and democratic government is the power held by its leaders. In an authoritarian government, power entails suppression of the opposition and human rights. In a democratic government, on the other hand, power is spread between different institutions that act as a check and balance on each other.

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(Apex Learning) The amount of power the government has over the people.

What distinguishes an authoritarian government from a democratic one?

There isn't automatically any. A democratic government can be authoritarian, or liberal. Democratic denotes the form of its constitution, authoritarian its manner of government. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive, though their spirit is broadly contrary.

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The answer is who holds the power.

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