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AnswerBatch processing is used when there is a lot of transactions affecting a high percentage of master file records and the the response needed is not immediate, usually until the end of the week or month. A good example of this in a large, national business, would be payroll processing, where nearly every master file record will be affected. The data is collected over a period of time, then input and verified by clerks (verified means input by someone else and then both inputs are compared by computer) and processed centrally.

The transactions are entered in batches by keyboard and stored in transaction files. These batches consist of thirty or so records which are given a batch control ID. The batches are then run through a validation process and to make sure the batches balance a computed total is compared with a manually produced total. This helps to ensure that all data is entered without error or omission. The actual updating of master files only takes place after verification and validation are complete. This means batch processing is often run overnight, unattended. A new master file is produced as a result of a batch processing run. The original master file is kept along with a previous version.

After processing the output is produced, and is usually printed media such as payslips or invoices, although this is changing with the advent of the web.

There is really no such thing as real-time. The best you will get is a few milliseconds from input to response. However such fast systems are used in critical systems that control aircraft or the manufacture of sensitive or dangerous compounds.

Online processing means users directly enter information online (usually, online, in this case, means online to a central processor, rather than its modern connotation of the internet, but it could mean both!), it is validated and updated directly onto the master file. No new file is created in this case. Therefore, there is near immediate input process, and output. Imagine a cash dispenser transaction or booking a holiday at a travel agents or over the Internet. Compared with batch processing the number of transactions will be few.

Online comes in many different flavours such as centralised, distributed, time-share etc and the choice of architecture will depend on cost, speed needed, number of users, number of transactions and time needed for a response.

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Q: What is the difference between batch processing Online Processing and real time processing?
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Difference between online and offline processing?

Definition: Online Processing: Real-time processing where transactions are immediately recorded and updated in the system, providing immediate results and responses. Offline Processing: Batch processing where transactions are collected and stored for later processing in a group, typically at a scheduled time. Timing and Response: Online Processing: Provides real-time responses and updates, allowing immediate access to current data and quick transaction completion. Offline Processing: Involves a delay in processing as transactions are grouped and processed at a specified time (e.g., end of the day), resulting in a delayed response. Data Storage and Access: Online Processing: Requires immediate access to a central database or server to process and update data instantly. Offline Processing: Transactions are stored temporarily, often in a batch file, and processed collectively at a later time, usually in a separate environment. Transaction Handling: Online Processing: Handles one transaction at a time and immediately updates the database or records for that specific transaction. Offline Processing: Collects multiple transactions and processes them together, often in a batch file, which is then submitted for processing as a group. Error Handling and Recovery: Online Processing: Real-time error handling and immediate notification to the user or system administrator, allowing for quick resolution and recovery. Offline Processing: Errors are often handled after processing the batch, requiring a separate error-checking and correction process. Example: Online Processing: Making a real-time online purchase where the payment is immediately deducted from your account, and you receive an instant confirmation of the transaction. Offline Processing: A retail store collecting sales data throughout the day and processing all the transactions in a batch at the end of the business day for updating inventory and generating reports. Resource Usage: Online Processing: Utilizes more system resources (processing power, memory, network) to ensure immediate processing and response. Offline Processing: Generally uses fewer system resources as it processes transactions in bulk, often during non-peak hours. Both online and offline processing have their specific use cases and advantages depending on the requirements of the system, speed of transaction processing needed, and the nature of the data being handled. Many systems utilize a combination of both methods to optimize efficiency and performance.