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Q: What is the difference between cash and treasury management?
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What is the importance of treasury management under harsh economic conditions?

Treasury management involves the process of managing the cash, investments and other financial assets of the business. The goal of these activities is to optimize current and medium-term liquidity and make solid financial decisions involving invested and investable assets. Treasury management also includes hedging where needed to reduce financial risk exposure. Treasury management's functions include: - Cash Flow Management - Float - Relationships and Risks - Information Sharing

What are the difference between public sector cash management and private sector cash management?

Public sector cash comes from the government (ie the tax-payer) Private sector fund come from donations (either by individuals or businesses)

Where can one find cash management software?

You can find cash management software through Bank of America, Quickbooks, Treasury Software and Netsuite websites. You can also pick up software from bookstores, electronic stores and supercenters.

What is a differential cash flow?

Differential cash is the difference in cash due between selecting between different alternative options or projects.

Can a growing difference between net income and cash flow from operations be because of manipulation by management?

Growing difference between net income and cash flow from operations is due to growing amount of non cash items in income statement like depreciation, amortizations, loss on disposal or gain on disposal of asset etc.

Explain the difference between a cash and credit transaction for purchass and sales?

explain the difference between cash and credit transaction

What profit is the difference between the incoming cash and outgoing cash?

cash balancing

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How do treasury stock affect Cash flow statement?

treasury stock is shown under cash flow from financing activities as a reduction in cash.

What is international cash management?

International cash management is the field that helps with the process of moving money internationally, or between countries. A cash manager is typically in charge of the process.

Difference between petty cash and main cash book?

cash book is the statement which contain's the total cash information . the information includes "cash in hand & cash at bank" petty cash book is maintain by company to meet their daily expenditure

What is the similarity and difference between the cash budget and long term financial planning?

what is the difference and similarity between cash budget and long term financial planning