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Results is the information that came out of an expirement or a test. A conclusion would be what you infered from the results, like a result of a test is an A+, your conclusion would be, that person is smart.

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14y ago

the difference is that results show data and conclusion is telling what exactly happened at the end of something

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Q: What is the difference between results and conclusion?
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What is the main difference between conclusion and results?

A result is what happend because of something but a conclusion is the total ending as in what happed in the end

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The hypothesis is the guess you make before the experiment. The conclusion the summaryof you results, and you can discuss whether your hypothesis was correct or not.

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An abstract is a brief summary of a research paper, usually including the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the study. It is located at the beginning of the paper to provide readers with an overview of the study. On the other hand, a conclusion is the final section of a research paper where the main findings and their implications are discussed, summarizing the key points of the study.

What is the Difference between summary and conclusion?

In a formal technical paper the Summary briefly describes the subject under study or question, with a brief note on method. The conclusion is a precis ofthe results.

What is the difference between a summary and conclusion?

A summary is a general description of a topic. A conlusion presents the results of a study or research. A summary is a list of the important steps in a piece of work. A conclusion is something that you have discovered from doing the work that can be deduced logically from the results.

What is the relationship between the results and the conclushion?

The relationship between results and conclusions are that the information from the results lead a person(s) to form a conclusion.

What is the difference between observations and results?

the difference is that results are the answers to the observations.

Is there a difference between jumping to conclusion and drawing to conclusion?

"Jumping to a conclusion" is not knowing all the facts and forming a conclusion. Drawing a conclusion is learning all the facts to make a conclusion if it is correct or not.

What are the results from an experiment called?

The results of an experiment are called your data.

What conclusion would you make for the difference between a team and a group?

a team

Is conclusion and results the same?

No it's not the same because there are many results but only 1 conclusion.

What is the difference between result from and in?

A consequence is something that results from an action.An action results in a consequence.