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Q: What is the difference between congratulation and congratulations?
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Related questions

Is it congratulation or congratulations?

It's Congratulations :)

What is the correct grammar for the following Congratulations Graduates or Congratulation Graduates?

The correct grammar is "Congratulations, graduates."

How do you spell congratulation?

The word congratulation is rarely used in the singular, but as "congratulations".(e.g. I sent my congratulations. or simply Congratulations!)

Is it better to say congratulation or congratulations in order to congratulate?


Is it congratulations or congratulation you have?

The correct phrase is "Congratulations, you have" when expressing good wishes or acknowledging someone's achievement. "Congratulation" is used as a noun to refer to an expression of praise or approval.

How do you spell congralution?

The correct spelling is congratulation, usually plural congratulations.

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How do you say congratulations in Marathi?

the Malayalam word for congratulation is Abhinandanangal

How do you say Congratulations in Hindi?

In Hindi, you can say "बधाई हो" which is transliterated as "badhai ho" to express congratulations.

How do you say congratulation in Swahili?

The Swahili word for congratulations is "Hongera."

Is it congratulation or congratulations your son?

Either one you dipstick;; both work well..... DIPSTICK

What to say in congratulation on a baby shower card?

"congratulations, hope the baby is just like you"