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Q: What is the difference between cost effective capital and effective cost of capital?
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What is the difference between WACC and cost of capital?

Cost of capital is that amount which is incurred by business to acquire cost for working capital or business while WACC(Weighted average cost of capital) is that cost which is calculated if there is more than one type of capital is involved by business to arrange finances for business.

Conceptual difference between marginal cost of capital and weighted average cost of capital?

WACC is the total average cost of capital to company which is calculated by taking into account the weights of all type of capital existed at a particular date in the capital structure of the company (Equity, Debt, bonds, debentures etc). while the MCC is the incremental cost of capital which comes into existence when fresh capital is raised. It will depend on the type of capital raised, its weight and its cost.

What is the difference between capital gain and capital loss?

Capital Gain is when you sell an asset for more than it cost you and make a profit and Capital Loss is when you sell and asset for less than it cost you, therefore making a loss.In other words the Mr Macauber principal!

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the difference between income derived from the viewpoint of maintaining financial capital (as in historical cost accounting) and income derived from a system of ensuring that physical capital

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What is the difference between differential cost and incremental cost?

There is no difference

What is the difference between capital cost and capital investment?

A capital cost is an ammount of money that the owner of a business, spends that he/she will not get back. EG: Paying hydro bills, etc. A capital investment is spending money on something that can, in turn, make you money someday. Eg: Purchasing a building or vehicle for your business. Hope this helped!

What is the central issue when deciding to invest in cost savings or revenue enhancing capital investments?

The central issue is increasing the difference between revenue and cost; the result must be sufficient to justify the investment.

Difference between real cost and money cost in about 300 words?

what is the difference?

What is the difference between isocost and isoquant curve?

All the combination of capital and labour that can be used to produce a given amount of output is called an isoquant.All the combinations of capital and labour that are available for a given cost is called an isocost.

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What is the difference between the economic situation and Sudan's capital, Khartoum, and the rest of the country? The cost of water each day, impacts on any other country in the largest country in Africa. Unfortunately, the oil exchange meant vapory. In fact, millions of people left the region due to these conflicts. This conflict was where one economy agrees about the loss of Human Capital Service. By: K.A.