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250 steps: blue Flute: awakens Pokemon

500 steps: yellow flute: snaps Pokemon out of confusion

500 steps: red flute: snaps Pokemon out of attraction (love)

1000 steps: white flute: lures wild Pokemon((But it doesn't lure in Pokemon like sweet scent with sweet scent once you use it you immediatly get into a battle with a wild Pokemon while the white flute just lures them which meas you have to take less steps in order to encounter a wild Pokemon))

1000 steps: black flute: wards off wild Pokemon

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Q: What is the difference between each of the ash glass flutes in Pokemon sapphire?
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How many flutes can you get in Pokemon Sapphire?


What are thecolor flutes in Pokemon sapphire?

yellow,black,blue,white,and red

What is difference between 2 and 6 flutes end mills?

4 flutes! A finer finish as more cutting-edge is on the work-piece at any given part of its revolution.

How do you get the yellow flute in platinum?

You cannot get the Yellow Flute in Pokemon Platinum. The only Flutes that are obtainable in Pokemon Platinum are the White and Black Flutes.

How can you tell the difference between silver plated flutes and nickel plated flutes?

By the color, obviously. NIckel plated flutes are slightly golden and well, silver plated, they have silver color.

Is there a difference between stone age bone flute and stone age stone flute?

Yes, bone flutes are made of BONE, and stone flutes are made of STONE. They were both used during the Stone Age

What is the difference between a western flute and a Indian flute?

a regular flute has covered metal keys, and some have metal keys with holes in them. indian flutes are made of bamboo and have no keys, only holes

Are flutes used for celebration?

No, you use the flutes in battle to heal certain conditions. Some heal confusion, some wake up your active Pokemon etc. You can get these flutes in Pokemon Emerald by collecting ash and then taking it to a glass-blowing man in a house that is around the area that has the volcano.

How are trupets and flutes similar?

Trumpets and flutes both play on the treble clef. They both usually have the melody in music pieces. A difference is that trumpets are B flat insturments and flutes are C.

Pokemon Colosseum what do you do after using both time flutes?

catch celebi

What are the uses of all the flutes in Pokemon?

To awaken,ynconfuse,and more to help

How do you get a time flute on Pokemon FireRed?

You can't because time flutes are used to purify Pokemon in colosseum.