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The term niche is more general in meaning than habitat. A habitat is specifically a place in which an organism can live. A niche refers to a survival strategy which involves a place to live, food to eat (or in the case of green plants, food to create) and any other unique aspect of a given organism that gives it an opportunity to survive.

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15y ago

A habitat is constricted mostly to where the animal lives in terms of climate and elevation, whereas a niche includes the way the animal relates to other animals in the same habitat.

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Q: What is the difference between ecological niche and habitat?
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Explain the difference between habitat and ecological niche. (?

habitat is the combined biotic and abiotic factors where an organism lives while a niche is a biological that an organism needs to stay healthy and reproduce. in short terms a habitat is was an organism lives while a niche is what an organism needs to successfully live and reproduce. 

The difference between habitat and niche?

Habitat is the place that the animal lives in niche is that creatures spot in society

What is a organism's role in a habitat?

That is an organism's ecological niche.

Distinguish between an organisms habitat and its niche using the prarie dog as an example?

The habitat of the prairie dog are subterranean tunnels in prairies. Their ecological niche (or role in the ecosystem) are as herbivores.

The place in which an organisms lives and reproduces?

Habitat is the right answer

The role of an organism in its habitat is its?

is a niche

What does the ecological niche of an organism denotes?

habitat where the organisms of a species can live

What is the difference between an organism's niche and habitat?

A habitat is the environment in which the organism lives, whereas a niche is the role the organism play in its environment. Let's look at the Pinon Jay as an example. Its habitat is the Pinon-Juniper woodlands, whereas its niche is the consumption of pinion nuts, spreading the nuts, spreading nutrients through its droppings, and being preyed on by various predators etc.

Difference between habitat and niche?

A niche is a cycle an organism goes through every day to survive. A hahitat is where an organism lives.

What is the difference between a horse lion cheetah zebra jaguar?

Every species has its own ecological niche.

What is the difference between niche and habitat?

The habitat of a population is the place where it lives. A niche is a population's complete role in an ecosystem.

What 3 things make up a niche?

spatial or habitat niche, trophic niche, and hyper volume or multidimensional niche.