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descriptive is more literal than figuative.

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Pearlie Tromp

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Q: What is the difference between figurative language and descriptive?
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What is the difference between figurative language and literal language?

figure of speech: is a rhetorical device that achieves a special effect by using words in distinctive ways. Figurative language is a word or phrase that departs from everyday literal language for the sake of comparison, emphasis, clarity, or freshness. These two literary terms are the same thing. They're synonyms.

What is one difference between Austria and Switzerland?


What is 3 examples figurative language in among the hidden?

The woods is a good one as the represents Luke's loss of freedom

What makes figurative language more appealing?

Have you've ever asked yourself: What is the difference between a funny story and a biography. Words. The choice of words is what makes the reader want to read. Look at the following sentences and tell me which is better:1) It was a rainy day. I was bored, depressed, and wanted to go outside to play like a regular being should, but here I was stuck under this roof reading. I wanted to go outside but it seemed to be raining for forever.2) It was raining cats and dogs today! I wanted to go out side so much. The playing equipment was calling me, the park was longing for me, my friends were beckoning me, but here I was, a dog stuck on a leash. Can't time just fly by like it usually does when I am having a good time?I put in bold all of the text that had figurative language in it. My examples are probably not that good.... I was quickly thinking of an example, but you probably picked example number two as being more engaging.Figurative language should be fun, exciting, and creative. It should be the reason why the paper you are writing has life in the first place (opinion). When you don't want something to be obvious, like saying it is raining hard, you use figurative language to make someone think about the true meaning.

What is the difference between the phrases 'I bet you' and 'I bet on you'?

When you say 'I bet you...' in a real or figurative way, you are making a bet with someone on the outcome of something. When you say 'I bet on you', you are telling someone that you believe they will succeed or win.

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An idiom is a phrase whose meaning is not easily deduced from the individual words used, often carrying a symbolic or cultural connotation. A descriptive phrase, on the other hand, is simply a phrase that describes something without the use of figurative language.

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Descriptive grammar describes how language is actually used by speakers, focusing on patterns and rules that are observed in natural language. Prescriptive grammar, on the other hand, prescribes rules and norms for how language should be used based on perceived standards of correctness or appropriateness.

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What is the differences between literal and figurative?

Figurative language is language that refers or implies or flat-out doesn't mean what it seems to mean. "Kicked the bucket" is figurative language for "died."Literal language means exactly what it looks like.

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Prescriptive linguistics focuses on establishing rules and norms for "correct" language usage, often prescribing how language should be spoken or written. Descriptive linguistics, on the other hand, focuses on objectively describing how language is actually used by speakers in a particular context, without making value judgments. I focus on descriptive linguistics, studying language as it is used in natural communication.

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The difference between a descriptive and limiting adjective is that a descriptive adjective adds detail to the noun, while a limiting adjective limit the noun. For more information, please refer to the related link.

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Modern poetry pays less attention to rhyming and more to figurative language like metaphors. Older poetry is more about rhyming.


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What is the diffferences between literal language and figurative language?

Literal language is language that conveys the exact meaning of the words used, while figurative language uses words to create a different effect, often conveying a deeper or more imaginative meaning. Literal language is straightforward and factual, while figurative language relies on comparisons, exaggerations, or associations to convey meaning.

What is the difference between the words bases and basis?

The main difference is that base is the literal word and basis the figurative word