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Incandescent light bulbs contain a metal filament (normally tungsten). When electricity flows through the filament, it gets very hot, causing it to emit light. They are inefficient because most of the electric power goes into heat. Fluorescent light bulbs contain a circuit that increases the voltage of the electricity, which then ionizes Mercury vapor. This ionized mercury emits ultraviolet light, which causes a coating on the inside of the glass bulb to glow ("fluoresce). They are more efficient, but many emit an ugly color of light.

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What is the difference between halogen and incandescent bulbs?

Halogen light bulbs are what has been around for a very long time. Incandescent bulbs are new and are more energy efficient.

Energy saving lamp LED or CFL bulbs are being used in cars and even in heavy vehicles are they comparable with the old incandescent bulbs in terms of luminance?

LED, CFL and incandescent, when compared in terms of luminance, LED beats both of them. The range of difference between LED and incandescent are very big, whereas CFL comes in between them.

Difference between of natural and artificial sources of light?

The difference between natural and artificial sources of light is that natural sources are produced by the sun while artificial light sources illuminate using energy from other sources and include incandescent bulbs.

What is the difference between the led bulb and incandescent bulb?

Incandescent: 10-12 lumens per wattHalogen: 15 lumens per wattCFL: 50 lumens per wattLEDS: 50-60 lumens per watt in bulbs you can buy in a store, but some manufacturers have claimed more than twice that.

How does a rope light work?

There are many varieties of rope light. The biggest difference would be either LED or incandescent bulbs. Standard rope lights have two wires which can be controlled with a dimming or flashing controller. For chasing ability (lights run down the rope) at least three wires are required which can be controlled with a chasing controller. Rope lights are made of a PVC tubing which surrounds bulbs that are typically spaced 1" apart. LED rope light will have diodes while incandescent rope light contains small incandescent bulbs. Another difference between LED and Incandescent rope light is that the incandescent PVC tube contains color while the LED PVC tubing is clear and the color is given off by the diodes themselves.

What is the percentage of light output between CFL bulbs and an incandescent bulb?

Incandescent: 10-12 lumens per watt CFL: 50 lumens per watt.

Between fluorescent and incandescent which saves electricity?

Fluorescent lamps deliver more visible light than incandescent lamps using electric power at the same rate. (But incandescent lamps deliver more heat. Just depends on what purpose you're using light bulbs for.)

Use incandescent in a sentence?

i do not want an incandescent bulb.

Sentence with Incandescent?

The sun was incandescent during the summertime.

What is the difference between incandescent bulbs and fluorescent bulbs Why change?

Fluorescent bulbs use less energy to produce a similar amount of light as incandescent bulbs. So they save money on power when used. But they cost more to make, and how the power consumed to make them compares I do not know. And they contain a significant amount of mercury, making them difficult to dispose of properly. There is much debate over which is better.

How can you use the word incandescent in a sentence?

I am so incandescent with rage.

When was Incandescent Man created?

Incandescent Man was created in 1985.