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Kody Nienow

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Q: What is the difference between fracture and cleavege?
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What is the difference between fracture and clevrage?

A fracture is a break in a material, such as a bone or rock, due to stress or force. Cleavage, on the other hand, refers to the way minerals break along flat planes determined by their crystal structure. Fracture is irregular, while cleavage is more controlled and predictable.

What is the difference between a hair line fracture and a fracture?

hair line fracture

What is the difference between a fracture and a hairline fracture?

It's a fracture you can only see on an x-ray.

What is the difference between fracture and dislocation?

A Fracture is a break and a dislocation is when a joint comes out its socket

What is the difference between and a avulsion fracture and a fracture?

An avulsion fracture is when you pull a ligament or tendon from a bone and a piece of that bone comes with it. It is not actually a "fracture". A fracture is a break.

Difference between a green stick fracture and a simple fracture?

A simple fracture - results in a 'clean' break across the bone. A green-stick fracture is an incomplete break.

What s the difference between a mineral that has cleavage and one that has fracture?

The difference between a mineral that has cleavage and one that has fracture is that cleavage is the tendency of some minerals to brake along flat surfaces and fracture is the tendency of some minerals to brake unevenly along curved or irregular surfaces.

What is the difference between fracture and rupture?

Fracture is the cracking or breaking of a hard object. Rupture is the sudden bursting of a soft material object.

Difference between a closed fracture and a compound fracture?

A closed fracture is when the skin is still intact. A compound fracture is when the broken bone is sticking through the skin.

What are the 8 most common tests for identifying minerals?

1. colour 2. lustre 3. streak 4. cleavege 5. fracture 6. hardness 7. ? 8. ?

What is a cleavege?

the in between a womans boobs you as learn you women you gay and bisexual mess ups

Compare and contrast a mineral fragment that has one cleavege direction with one that has only fracture?

One that has only one cleavage direction will only fracture in one direction/angle to the matrix of the rock. One that only has fracture would fracture in no specific direction and is probably something like obsidian, which fractures conchoidally, like glass.