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Ghastly means the person was badly injured. Fatal means the person died.

Ghastly itself means: Terrifyingly horrible to the senses.

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Q: What is the difference between ghastly accident and fatal accident?
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Related questions

What is a fatal accident?

A fatal accident is an accident when a fatality(or death) occurs. A "Fatal Accident" is most commonly used to refer to car accidents when someone dies.

When was Fatal accident inquiry created?

Fatal accident inquiry was created in 1895.

What is the difference between fetal and fatal?

Fetal and Fatal are both adjectives but are totally different! Fetal is descriptive of the fetus ( also written as Foetus) of an organism, which is the embryo of an animal; For example, "Fetal development in humans occurs in many stages". Fatal on the other hand is descriptive of a situation or a negative event; for example, " A fatal accident occurred down the road and several people were injured"

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What accident class is it when a soldier is killed?

One has to distinguish between a death in battle- usually worthy of a Purple Heart- a direct casualty of enemy action, and an accident involving a vehicle manned by service personnel- aircraft, tank, jeep, ship, etc where there is no enemy action but the mission is on ( service time) there is a definite difference between a Jeep accident and fatal enemy gunshot- if actual enemy action this is considered a ( Battle death) and not an accident.

Who dies in the rafter accident on neighbors?

it is Bridget she suffers post natal depression and has a fatal accident

What is the most recent news about a fatal car accident that you have heard about?

On March 27, 2013 there was a fatal car accident in Missouri. Two people were killed in this accident Wednesday morning. The driver of a semitrailer was charged with involuntary manslaughter.

What was the purpose of the flight in which the first fatal airplane accident happened?

The purpose of the flight in which the first fatal airplane accident occurred was a military demonstration of the Wright Brothers Fly aircraft.

Can a car involved in a fatal accident be repaired?

It depends on the amount of damage to the car. "Fatal accident" normally means someone was killed, and has nothing to do directly with the amount of damage to the vehicle.

How do you calculate the fatal accident rate - accident incident rate - lost time accident frequency rate and accident severity rate of a company?

fatal accident rate is number of fatal accidents x 100,000 divided by the total hours worked. Accident incident rate is the total number of accidents x 100,000 divided by the total hours worked. accident severity rate is the total days lost x 1,000 divided by the total hours worked

What is the main cause of fatal boating accident?

There were over 5000 boating accidents in 2013. The leading contributing cause of fatal boating accidents was alcohol. Over seventy percent of fatal boating accident victims drowned.

Is it true that Geneveive died over a fatal road accident?

NO !