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By ground bee I am assuming that you meant the bees that burrow rather than building comb in a tree or other tall place.

Specifically speaking all bees are members of the family Apidae.

The European Honey Bee is actually unusual considering that it is eusocial when most of the varieties of bee are solitary.

The most specific difference between digger bees and "normal" honey bees is the way in which they build their nest.

Digger bees can build only smaller nests with one piece of comb, and generally there is not many offspring nor much honey stored.

Honey bees build much larger nests with several hanging pieces of comb. There is an entire colony with the queen bee, offspring is constantly taken care of though numbers do depend on how available food is, and there is a plethora of stored honey, but in the wild it also depends on how available food is, and in what season.

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Q: What is the difference between ground bees and regular bees?
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