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In Halo 3, you play as the Master Chief, the last surviving super-soldier of the Spartan II group. In Halo 3: ODST, you play as an ODST instead of the Master Chief. There are also different weapons in ODST.

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Q: What is the difference between halo3 and halo3 odst?
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What is the difference between halo3 odest and halo3?

halo3 odst is an expansion of halo3 the only big difference is that you no longer play as a Spartan you play as an odst.

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in my opinion halo 3odst

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Personally i would get odst but that is just my opinion

Is halo3 better than halo3 odst?

personally i like halo 3 better then all of halos so far. halo 3 is better because you are able to play agenset people on xbox live but halo odst is better in the sence that the story line makes more sence then all other halos.

Do you have to have halo3 to have Halo 3 odst?

No you do not have to have halo3 to get halo3 odst.I have heard a few bad reviews of it but most are good so i suggest people should get it.

Does halo3 odst have swearing?

Yes halo 3 ODST does have swearing in it but the swearing isn't that bad meaning the characters in ODST don't swear that much.

How do you unlock recon armor on halo 3?

To get the recon armor you have to complete all the vidmaster achievements in halo3 and halo3 odst.