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Oil is formed primarily from the decaying bodies of billions of tiny marine organisms. Coal is formed primarily from dead plant remains in swampy areas. The main differences are the organic source materials and whether the sedimentation was in the sea or on land.

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Coal is made from thick layers of accumulated plant matter that have been incorporated into a sedimentary sequence and lithified as they are buried. Coal remains as a layer of solid, organic rock and has to be mined.

Oil is made from many individual microscopic organisms that are continuously accreted into sediments as they accumulate. With oil the burial and heating process transforms and mobilised the organic material which then migrates, along the pores in the rocks, into geological traps called oil fields.

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Q: What is the difference between how oil and coal are formed?
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What is the difference between coal and oil?

coal is something that is formed from the remains of dead animals and oil is found is the earths crust as crude oil. i thnk so,, check with smarter people. lol by nikhita, melbourne, aust

What is the major difference between how oil and coal are formed?

The Maine differences are the organic source materials and whether the sedimentation was in the sea or on land.

What is the difference between pet-coke and coal-coke?

Petcoke is a byproduct of a Oil refinery whereas Coal is fossil fuel formed naturally from the deposition of plants, animals, etc. over a period of millions of years

Give 2 similarities and 2 differences between the way coal and oil was formed?

i have no idear

How is the oil crude and the coal are formed?

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What is the Difference between crude oil and coal?

Crude oil is a liquid formed by dead plankton and by immense pressure and heat and is made up of hydrocarbons while coal is a solid formed of dead plant matter which is then squashed up into what's called peat and then layers of rock squash the water out of the peat and it then makes coal. They both take thousands of years to form and are therefore a fossil fuel. :) I just learnt this in year ten chem hope it explains it enough :)

Is petroleum made of coal and oil?

No, petroleum is not made of coal and oil. Petroleum is a liquid mixture of hydrocarbons that is naturally occurring in the Earth's crust. It is formed from the remains of ancient marine organisms that have been subjected to heat and pressure over millions of years. Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from plant remains, while oil, also known as crude oil, is another liquid hydrocarbon mixture that is also formed from organic matter.

What is the difference between the organic material from which coal forms the organic material from which petroleum and natural gas form?

Coal is plant matter ( tress from the Carboniferous ) and oil is from micro-organic matter.

What type of pollution can be formed by car exhaust and burning coal or oil?


What is a fuel formed over millions of years?

Coal, Natural Gas and Oil

How do you find the difference between oil and coal?

They are two different states of matter. Oil is liquid Coal is solid. NB As an aside during the trade embargo on South Africa (during Apartheid era), no oil was allowed to be imported into South Africa. However, South Africa had large reserves of coal. So South Africa developed SASOL. SASOL is the industrial conversion of coal to oil, so that oil burning furnaces could function. NNB Both oil and coal are hydro-carbons.

Does anyone really believe oil is from dead dinosaurs Or that coal is from plants?

Scientists don't just believe, they know coal is formed from ancient plants compressed in anaerobic environments. However, nobody with a knowledge of geology or paleontology believes oil is formed from dinosaurs. Oil is primarily formed from plankton and algae.