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Extrusive is a form of igneous rock - it's what you get when the magma is extruded or squeezed out onto the surface in the form of lava.

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Q: What is the difference between igneous rocks and extrusive rocks?
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What is the difference between an intrusive and an extrusive igneous rocks?

"intrusive" means forced into something, "extrusive" means forced out onto the surface. The igneous magma reaching the surface is therefore extrusive , producing extrusive igneous rocks, and all the rest of the magma is intrusive, producing intrusive igneous rocks.

What is the difference between the formation of extrusive and igneous rocks?

intrusive:below ground extrusive:at the surface

What are igneous rocks that form over the surface?

Rhyolititcen rocks.

What are igneous rocks formed at the earths surface called?

Extrusive igneous rocks.

What kind of igneous rocks for on earths surface?

Some do. These are called extrusive igneous rocks. However a large portion of igneous rocks form beneath the surface. These are intrusive igneous rocks.

What is the difference in appearance between igneous rocks that have cooled slowly and igneous rocks that have cooled quickly?

Igneous rocks that cooled slowly are intrusive. Igneous rocks that cooled quickly are extrusive. Intrusive rocks form larger crystals, because the crystals have a longer time to grow. Extrusive rocks have small to no crystals, because they had little or no time to grow/form.

What is the major difference between intrusive rocks and extrusive igneous rocks?

Extrusive means that the lava has come out and cooled on the surface. Intrusive means that the lava has cooled in the Earth i.e. underground.

How do fine- grained igneous rocks from?

extrusive igneous rocks =/

What grain type is found in extrusive igneous rocks?

Extrusive igneous rocks are usually fine grained.

Write the difference between extrusive and intrusive igneous rocks?

igneous Extrusive is cool on the outside of the crust and cools quickly before crystal forms igneous Intrusive is cool on the inside of the crust and cools slowly and allowing crystal to form

Where are the two types of igneous rocks made?

Extrusive igneous rocks , Intrusive igneous rocks

Are volcanic rocks igneous rocks?

Yes. Volcanic rocks are extrusive igneous rocks.