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Q: What is the difference between incurable and terminal cancer?
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What is incurable?

Incurable cancer is a cancer that can't be cured.

How many incurable dieace are there?

This question is hard to answer with our limited knowledge of medical sciences but if you want to know there are some STDs that are incurable as well as some forms of cancer such as small cell lung cancer...

Did a member of group full force die?

No but Paul Anthony does have incurable cancer.

Are what is the difference between a sissile polyp and a flat polyp. cause cancer?

Is there a difference between a sissile polyp and a flat polyp. Can either one be a cause of cancer

What is the difference between deaths from lung cancer and deaths from prostate cancer?

lung cancer is in the lungs, prostate cancer is in the prostate.

Is there a difference between anal cancer and rectal cancer?

They are the same thing.

How long has Kris Carr had cancer?

On Valentine's Day in 2003, Kris Carr was diagnosed with a rare and incurable stage 4 cancer.

What is the difference between the scirrhous cancer and the encephaloid cancer?

The encephaloid tumor is hard and the scirrhous tumor is hot

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What is another name for terminus?

Depends on the context. Computer Terminal = workstation Wiring Terminal = Post Bus Terminal = Depot Terminal Cancer = Untreatable.

What is the difference between invasion of cancer cells and metastasis of cancer cells?

Metastasis is a migration of Cancer whereas invasion is when the cancer growth goes into new part.

What is the difference between leukemia and leukemoid reaction?

Leukemia is blood cancer.