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different indingenous arts

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Q: What is the difference between indigenous arts of asia and indigenous arts of africa?
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There are many differences between external and internal marital arts. One difference is that external marital arts focuses on the physical abilities while internal martial arts focuses on the Chi energy of a person.

What is difference between graphic arts and plastic arts?

Graphic arts is where you use graphs to create an artwork while plastic arts is where you use plastic for an artwork

In martial arts what is the difference between the way and art?

Way are typically sports, arts are usually older and not for sport.

What is the difference between performing arts and creative arts and give examples for each?

performing arts is what you do in like P.E its like acting and creative arts it drawing like art

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formal and informal rhythm

What is the difference between science and arts?

the reproducible facts concerned with matter is called science. painting,fashion,dancing etc are arts.