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Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which you either have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes a person to stop breathing multiple times throughout the night night. Sleep apnea is typically recognized by extremely loud snoring.

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Yes. Sleep apnea is a physical condition, insomnia is a psychological one. They can easily co-exist.

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Q: Can a person have insomnia and sleep apnea at the same time?
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What is the difference between snoring and sleep apnea Or is it the same?

You can check out this article on snoring and sleep apnea:

Why does stuffy air cause insomnia?

A possible answer. When we sleep our aspirations become fewer per minute and shallower. If a person has some problem with their respiratory system the oxygen saturation in their blood begins to drop. At some point the body recognizes this as asphyxiation and awaken the sleeper same as in sleep apnea. When the individual awakes he?she can take deeper breaths more often restoring the oxygen saturation level to the blood stream.

Can diuretics cause insomnia?

YES Diuretics And Insomnia - The Connection Whether a person is on a diuretics prescription plan or uses substances that fall under the category of diuretics, the ultimate connection between diuretics and insomnia remains the same. The connection between diuretics and insomnia here is that urination frequency, specifically during the sleep hours, can significantly disrupt a person's sleep patterns and give rise to insomnia. Another usual side-effect of diuretics is the constant feelings of thirst. Thirst can be an additional contributor to a person's sleeplessness. This in a way represents another indication of the unfavorable direct links between diuretics and insomnia. When people put together diuretics and insomnia, the end-result is often the same - more sleepless nights and/or constant waking up throughout the night to go to the bathroom and urinate. Diuretics and insomnia pose an unhealthy combination as the use of the former can lead to the development of the latter.

What is the origin of the word 'insomnia'?

Somnus was the Roman god of sleep. Insomnia is derived from the Latin word with the same spelling together with the prefix 'in-" for negation. He is also remembered in the word Somnambulism - sleep walking. The Greek god of sleep was Hypnos, from which we get Hypnotism and related words. The word morphine also has mythological origins - Morpheus was the god of dreams, and the son of Somnus.

Difference between primary and secondary insomnia?

Insomnia, as most chronic or acte conditions has two major categories. Primary Insomnia is difficulty getting to sleep, staying asleep or waking up too early with no apparent reason (idiopathic). Secondary insomnia would be difficulty sleeping due to an underlying condition, such as Restless Legs Syndrome, chronic pain issues such as Fibromyalgia. Pain is the number one issue that keeps people from sleeping. Sleep apnea is another sleep disorder that can interfere with your sleep and cause insomnia. If you have insomnia for more than 4-8 weeks, and it starts interfering with you life, work or family, the it is time to talk with the doctor. There can be so many reasons for Insomnia. Good sleep hygiene is essential- going to bed at the same time every night, develop a routine, find some coping skills like meditation with music, progressive muscle relaxation. If necessary talk to your doctor about a medication to help. Once your circadian clock is disturbed from it's regular routine it is extremely hard to get back on schedule. is an excellent web site for Insomnia and other sleep disorders. A patient that is proactive and seeks knowledge has more power over the situation than one who does not ask questions. Getting the right treatment is key, and reading all you can about insomnia, you will feel better just knowing that there are others out there that are going through the same thing you are.

How do you prevent insomnia?

You can control sleep by going to bed at the same time and getting up at the same time everyday. Most people require between 7 and 8 hours of sleep a night.

Three Treatments for Sleep Apnea and How They Work?

Sleep Apnea is not only a condition that keeps people from sleeping well. It also can deprive its sufferers of needed oxygen during the night. This can lead to headaches, daytime sleepiness or mood changes. Sleep apnea can also contribute to severe medical conditions such as heart attacks or strokes. Fortunately, sleep apnea is not impossible to treat.CPAP MachinesContinuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines offer one solution. At night, when the sleep apnea sufferer lies down, the tissues of her breathing passages collapse shut. Air cannot go in or out because these tissues are blocking the way. A CPAP can change that.A CPAP device has a base that puts out forced air. The air goes through a tube and into a mask. The person with sleep apnea wears the mask, fitting it on her face, over her nose. The CPAP forces air into the passages, opening them up so that oxygen can be exchanged again. The CPAP machine will alter breathing patterns somewhat, but the important thing is that it keeps the patient breathing.Surgery for Sleep ApneaIt is possible to get surgery to correct sleep apnea. The idea is that there is excess tissue blocking the airway, and cutting it away can open up the passages. There are various surgeries for sleep apnea. A sleep study is done to try to determine where the offending tissue is located. Then, the doctor chooses what to remove. Possible parts to remove include different parts of the uvula, the soft palate, and even some parts of the throat. These surgeries work very well when they do work, about 50% of the time.Weight LossWeight loss may be the best solution for many sleep apnea sufferers. Many of the people who have sleep apnea are also seriously overweight. For them, the problem may be that the fat in their bodies is contributing to the excess tissue blocking the throat. Losing weight may decrease this excess tissue. There is still much study to be done, but doctors report that they hear the same stories from their patients over and over. When people lose weight, their sleep apnea tends to improve.

Are there any sinus problems related to sleeping. I have been dx with Obstructed Sleep Apnea. I awaken every hour on the hour unable to breath and I find my sinuses are closed. What is happening?

Obstructive Sleep apnea has many causes. A deviated septum can be a cause. Tonsils, adnoids, and elongated uvula can also be causes of sleep apnea. Being over weight is another cause of sleep apnea. A deviated septum is a sinus issue and could be the reason for your OSA. Whatever reason the obstruction is occurring the effect is the same. You will awaken often gasping for air because your airway is being obstructed. To solve this issue you have the option of CPAP therapy or possibly surgery.

What are common sleep problems How can they be solved?

Some of the most common sleep problems may include : Sleep apnea, insomnia, narcolepsy, parasomnia, day time sleepiness, sleep deprivation, hypersomnia, sleep paralysis, etc. And it can be solved by consulting best sleep specialists and following few instructions like: Reduce your screen time with all your electronic devices which reflects the light (Television, Computers, Laptops, Mobile phones, etc) which will disturb your sleep cycle. Make a habit of going to the bed and waking up around the same time. Try to avoid rotational shifts and night shifts in your job to avoid disturbances in your sleep cycle.

What is moderate obstructive sleep apnea?

A. It is when your oxygen level drops down below normal levels while you are asleep. My husband was diagnosed 5 years ago with severe sleep apnea and had his tonsils, adenoids, and some of his soft pallet removed. For him he would stop breathing for up to forty seconds while he was asleep which would cause his oxygen level to drop in the 60's. This is a serious disorder that can lead to death if not treated properly. B. There are two types of sleep apnea that require diagnosis by a physician...usually a team of physicians at a sleep study clinic/center: 1. central sleep apnea (CSA) which involves the breathing center in the brain (central nervous system) and is the least common form and 2. obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) which involves an obstruction to normal breathing during sleep and is the most common form of the condition. OSA is described in "A" above. Sleep Apnea is an obstruction to your airways when you sleep. As a result, you may stop breathing when you are asleep, which, as stated above, is a frightening thought considering that death can actually result from it. Sleep Apnea is also associated with other diseases, such as hypertension, cardiac failure, obesity, depression, COPD, just to name a few. Having a sleep study prescribed to you by your doctor is the first step in dealing with this disorder. Answer also: Apnea literally means "no breath." An episode of sleep apnea may last anywhere from ten seconds to two or three minutes. The victim often thrashes around gasping for air and then falls asleep again, only to repeat the apnea hundreds of times per night. There are three types of apnea. Central apnea occurs when the brain's respiratory control center doesn't give the command to breathe regularly. With obstructive sleep apnea, the upper airway at the back of the throat actually closes, blocking air movement. Mixed apnea is a combination of the two and is the most common diagnosis. The victim of any type of apnea can end up in virtually the same condition as someone who stayed up all night, every night! Those with sleep apnea may live dangerous lives, for they can blank out while on the job or at the wheel of their automobile. They may suffer from high blood pressure, an enlarged heart, and an increased risk of stroke or heart failure. Dr. William Dement of Stanford University estimates that 38,000 Americans die each year from the cardiovascular consequences of sleep apnea. While most common in obese men over 40 years old, sleep apnea can occur at any age, even in young children. There are several treatments-all best supervised by a medical sleep specialist. The most effective nonsurgical treatment for obstructive sleep apnea is the use of a device to create continuous positive airway pressure. The patient wears a mask over his nose at night, and a pressure regulator (custom-set by a physician) delivers just the amount of air needed to prevent apnea. If this does not rectify the condition, there are several surgical approaches, including using laser or radio-frequency waves to remove excess tissue from the throat. (from 2/8/04 Awake magazine article "Recognizing Sleep Disorders" on Jehovah's Witnesses official website)

Sleep Apnea Masks Offer Better Quality Sleep?

Sleep Apnea is a common sleeping disorder that affects millions of people. Because it occurs during sleep, many people are unaware of the disorder. The condition can range from mild to very serious and is a chronic health problem for its sufferers. Sleep Apnea is characterized by pauses in breathing and sometimes shallow breath during sleep. A person with the disorder often has problems with snoring as well. The pauses can last from a few seconds to a full minute and occur between 5 to 30 times in an hour. During the night a person with Sleep Apnea can frequently move out of the deep sleep stage and into a light sleep. This leads to poor sleep quality and daytime fatigue and drowsiness. There are two major types of Sleep Apnea. The most common is due to a blockage in the airway. A less common type is known as Central Sleep Apnea. This is caused by a malfunction of the brain which results in the wrong signals sent from the part of the brain that controls breathing. This type is less likely to include snoring as a symptom. One way to treat this disorder if with Sleep Apnea masks. These masks usually work in one of three ways to allow the sleeper to breath normally. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure or CPAP masks are the most commonly used. The device uses a small air blower and hose attached to the mask to provide a steady stream of airflow that keeps the airway from collapsing. Bi-Level Positive Airway Pressure masks work in the same way but also sense how much air the wearer needs. It can fluctuate its air flow instead of maintaining one constant level of pressure. The last major types are known as responsive or smart airway pressure devices. These attempt to keep the air pressure as low as possible, but increase it dramatically when sensors detect a breathing problem. Consult your physician if you think you may suffer from some form of Sleep Apnea. The disorder is difficult to diagnose, but easy to treat with Sleep Apnea masks.

The Connection Between Alcohol And Insomnia?

Insomnia is a condition that occurs when an individual is unable to sleep for a sufficient period of time each night. Some people attempt to overcome insomnia by taking sleeping pills or other types of medications that are intended to induce drowsiness. Alcohol is sometimes used as a self-medication for insomnia. The apparent effects of alcohol consumption might lead some to conclude that alcohol makes a person sleepy. This is not the case, however. Drinking to excess can cause a person to lose consciousness. This is not the same as the restful sleep that is required for good health. The human body has several stages of sleep that occur at different points throughout the night. Slow wave sleep (SWS) is a very deep and relaxing stage for the body. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep occurs when the brain becomes more active. Everyone requires both SWS and REM sleep over the course of a single night. Studies have shown dramatic negative health effects when a person is deprived of REM sleep. Some people do experience drowsiness after drinking alcohol. This can make it easier to fall asleep at night. Unfortunately, the sleep that is induced is not necessarily restful. Alcohol in the system changes the way that the body reacts during sleep. The body tends to stop shifting from SWS to REM sleep. This can lead to a number of problems including depression, confusion and changes in behavior during the next day. This disruption in normal sleeping patterns has been shown to occur with even minor amounts of drinking several hours before bed. Alcohol can actually cause insomnia for a number of reasons. Sleep at night can be interrupted because of apnea that results from excessive drinking, frequent trips to the bathroom or elevated brain activity that results from increased glutamine production after the alcohol starts to leave the body. Long-term drinking can result in a number of psychological problems that can also cause insomnia. Individuals who are experiencing insomnia should seek medical advice and should not become reliant on alcohol for sleep.