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Invasive involves cutting the body open, invading it. Non-invasive uses existing bodily cavities to reach areas if they can be operated on that way. In the future, nanosurgery using tiny devices and tiny robots will make non-invasive surgery more readily possible.

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Q: What is the difference between invasive and non invasive hospital procedures?
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Non-invasive cardiologists provide expertise in the detection and treatment of heart disease. Non-invasive cardiology involves tests to evaluate and diagnose disorders of the heart. A person with a history of heart disease, chest pain with unknown cause or valvular heart disease may be referred for non-invasive evaluation [From:] Invasive cardiology is a special aspect of cardiology that uses invasive procedures to treat heart disease. These procedures generally require insertion of instruments through the skin and into the body to treat a problem - thus the term "invasive." Many of the procedures done in this exciting field can be lifesaving. [From:] Hope this helps. There is plentiful more information in the links provided if you plan to deeply anylize these terms.

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What is the difference between invasive and non invasive?

Invasive means that this animal or plant is invading Australia e.g it could be wrecking fences. Non invasive means its doing no harm at all e.g the cow is non invasive becaause its not doing anything wrong, its actally helping us by giving us milk!

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the difference is that Rules are for undesirable behaviors that have set consequences while procedures are expected classroom behaviors with no set consequences for a violation.