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Q: What is the difference between labor and capital intensive?
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In economics, to simplify, labor and capital. Light industry is labor intensive industry while heavy industry is focused on capital investment.

What is the differentiate between labor and capital intensive technology?

By way of an example: Digging holes can be labor or capital intensive. You can use 1000 workers with cheap shovels (labor intensive) or 1 worker with an expensive "steam shovel" (capital intensive). Some things cannot be done either way like picking strawberries (labor intensive) or manufacturing microcircuits (capital intensive).

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Labor-intensive and capital intensive?

Labor-intensive refers to a production process that relies more on human labor than machinery or technology, while capital-intensive refers to a process that relies heavily on machinery, equipment, or capital investment rather than on labor. Labor-intensive industries require more manual work and intensive supervision, while capital-intensive industries involve larger investments in equipment and technology.

What is the difference between labor intensive and machinery intensive?

Labor intensive agriculture means it primarily uses physical labor of humans. Machinery intensive agriculture means it primarily uses the power of machinery to do labor, instead of or along with human beings doing the work.

Define capital intensive technology?

requiring a large investment in capital goods and a relatively small labor force a capital-intensive industry or plant

Is capital intensive is more preferable than labor intensive?

It totally depends on what business you are running, such as a builder would want a labor intensive business, whilst a car maker would want a capital intensive business, disserent businesses need different things.

Why are some organisation capital intensive and others labor intensive?

A bank or investment company would be considered 'capital intensive' , a construction company or landscaping company would be considered 'labour intensive' because they employ more people to try for the same gains.

Why did cheaper overseas labor have little impact on the sanitary paper products industry?

The capital-intensive nature of paper manufacturing means that cheaper overseas labor has less of an impact on manufacturing costs than in other, more labor-intensive industries.

What is the difference between a labor market and a factory market?

The primary difference between product markets and factor markets is that factors of production like labor and capital are part of factor markets and product markets are markets for goods.

Determine the annual unit sales volume at which Candice company would be indifferent between the two manufacturing methods?

There are two types of manufacturing methods. These are labor intensive and capital intensive. The type of manufacturing used should be determined by costs and revenue.