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legal is for medicine and illegal is for profit

legal would be prescription drugs illegal would be like meth labs

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 3y ago
Yeah fuckiright. You’re kidding right?
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βˆ™ 3y ago
Ur a big puss forever

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Q: What is the difference between legal drug labs and illegal drug labs?
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What is the difference between a legal and illegal prescription drug?

the prescription.

What is the difference between legal act and illegal act?

Legal drugs are drugs that are perscribed just for you and you take them as it is written on your perscription. Illegal drugs are any drug you can buy on the street The question asks about 'acts' not 'drugs'. An illegal act is against the law, a legal act is permitted.

The difference between a drug and a illegal drug?

An illegal drug is a drug which is prohibited by the law. An example of this is cannabis, a popular illegal drug. If you were caught supplying illegal drugs you could get a lengthy sentence. Up to a life sentence for supplying and about 3-7 years for possession. A normal drug is a drug that is normally legal or prescribed. Coffee is a legal drug. The difference is that one of the drugs will put you in prison and one won't.

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A heroine is a female hero. Heroin is an illegal drug.

Is the drug black beauties illegal or legal?

Yes. it is ILLegal.

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A head shop sells smoking devices and drug paraphernalia, and sometimes legal drugs (and sometimes illegal). A tattoo parlor does tattoos.

Is methylphenidate an illegal or legal drug?

Methylphenidate is a schedule II ( ILLEGAL) drug if you do not have a perscription, It is prescribed for ADHD treatment and Narcolepsy

Is penicillin a legal or illegal drug?

It is legal, but available only by prescription. There is no problem with penicillin abuse since it is an antibiotic, not a psychoactive drug.

Is prescrition drug abuse a greater or lesser concern then illegal drug abuse?

To the abuser, it is an equal concern. The abused body doesn't care if the drug was legal or illegal.

What does a drug do?

All drugs do different things. And there's a difference between pharmacological drugs and illegal mind altering drugs.

Is alcohol considered an illicit drug?

Yes, alcohol is a drug. However, alcohol is not an illegal drug. Alcohol is a legal drug like caffeine.

Is it illegal to snort your Ritalin?

Only if the drug itself is illegal. If the drug is legal, a prescription for that specific must be in hand There are only recomendations on how to take them and they are intened as such