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Paraffin wax is a white or colorless soft solid that is used as a lubricant, when this is melted down it becomes a paraffin liquid. Paraffin oil is used in cosmetics and medical settings and is a highly refined mineral oil.

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Tobin Boyle

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2y ago
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16y ago

Paraffin wax is the most commonly encountered artificial (or manmade) wax. Other artificial waxes exist and are used industrially. Examples are oxidized polyethylene waxes, Petronauba, Fischer-Tropsch waxes, and Hoechst Wax E. Paraffin wax is extracted from petroleum by. It is used in candles, wax paper, polishes, cosmetics, and Transmission Fluid. In reality everything comes form something that forms naturally, so "man manipulated" would be more accurated than "man made".

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Q: What is the difference between liquid paraffin and paraffin oil?
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What is the Difference between paraffin oil and paraffin liquid?

Paraffin wax is a white or colorless soft solid that is used as a lubricant, when this is melted down it becomes a paraffin liquid. Paraffin oil is used in cosmetics and medical settings and is a highly refined mineral oil.

Palm oil and paraffin oil difference?

Palm oil refers to an edible vegetable oil while paraffin oil refers to an inflammable liquid hydrocarbon that used as a fuel.

What is the difference between paraffin oil and oil?

Paraffin oil is a type of mineral oil that is commonly used for lubrication and as a laxative. Oil, on the other hand, is a general term that can refer to various substances that are liquid at room temperature, including vegetable oils, essential oils, and mineral oils like paraffin oil.

Why won't paraffin oil dissolve in sodium chloride?

Paraffin oil is a non-polar liquid.

Why is wax soluble in paraffin oil?

it is liquid

How do you tell the difference between paraffin wax and beeswax?

Paraffin wax is derived from petroleum, while beeswax is a natural substance produced by honey bees. Beeswax has a distinct honey-like scent, is slightly sticky to touch, and has a yellowish color, while paraffin wax is odorless, white in color, and feels harder and smoother. Additionally, beeswax burns longer and cleaner than paraffin wax.

In the experiment of determining melting point why each time fresh paraffin liquid should be taken?

Paraffin oil is nontoxic, noncorrosive and stable.

What liquid doesn't react with sodium?

Liquid nitrogen does not react with sodium. Sodium is a highly reactive metal, but liquid nitrogen is chemically inert and does not undergo chemical reactions with most substances, including sodium.

What will happen if your horse is pregnant and is given liquid paraffin?

Liquid paraffin is a relatively inert laxative (a highly purified mineral oil NOT to be confused with paraffin wax uned for fuel) that should remain in the digestive tract when treating for colic. Prolonged use can be problematic as it can interfere with vitamin and mineral absorption. Pregnant mares are "oiled" for a lot of reasons, including prophylactically for shipping. Whether standard mineral oil (purchased at a pharmacy or veterinary supply) or liquid paraffin is used will yield the same results.

What is the state of paraffin oil at a temperature of 450?

Paraffin oil is a gas at 450 oC.

Why liquid paraffin is prefer while using oil immersion objective?

Liquid paraffin, also known as mineral oil, is commonly used with oil immersion objectives in microscopy because it has a refractive index similar to that of glass and the immersion medium used in the objective. This reduces the loss of light due to refraction and increases the numerical aperture, allowing for better resolution and increased imaging quality. Additionally, liquid paraffin has a high viscosity which helps to prevent the formation of air bubbles and ensures a stable imaging medium.

Can paraffin oil be used to produce olive oil?

No. Paraffin is mineral oil (petroleum). Olive oil is only made from olives.