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Q: What is the difference between mechanical wave and non mechanical?
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What is a non mechanical wave?

It is a wave or transfer of energy that does not require a physical medium. The only type of non-mechanical wave known is electromagnetic. non-mechanical waves are composed of electric waves and magnetic waves.

Is a longitudinal wave a mechanical wave?

yes, it is. But mechanical waves can be as well as non longitudinal!

What is non mechanical wave?

Non mechanical waves are Eletro magnetic waves. We can devide 2 waves. 1 is mechanical waves & 2 is electromagnetic waves. For example Sound is a mechanical wave & Light is an electromagnetic wave.

What is non q wave heart attack?

No. I had an MI confirmed by elevated enzymes they told me I had a non Q wave heart attack. what is the difference between a regular heart attack and a non q wave heart attack?

A wave that requires a medium to travel?

A mechanical wave such as a sound wave requires a medium to travel through.

What is the difference between a mechanical mechanism and a non-mechanical mechanism?

the difference between a mechanical and non-mechanical system is that non-mechanial systems is a procedure/process designed to perform a task along with people involved (example, the school system is a non-mechanical system because it involes students, teachers, desk, textbooks etc)a mechanical system is group of physical parts that interact with each other and function as a whole in order to finish the task (example, the TTC system involes the buses, subways, etc)

What are all mechanical waves?

There are two types of waves, mechanical and non-mechanical waves. A mechanical wave needs some sort of medium, like an earthquake to move the water.

What is the difference between classic heart block and a u wave?

A heart Block is a non-conduction of an electrical pulse through the Bundle of His and a U wave is the repolarization of the Purkinje Fibers.

What Waves in a light wave?

Light wave being visible is not a mechanical wave. It means that it does not need a material medium to be propagated. Even through vacuum it can traverse. Whereas sound waves are mechanical waves. So without a material medium no propagation is possible. So sound cannot pass through vacuum. Being a non mechanical wave light wave is an electro magnetic wave. It is transverse in nature.

What is the difference between mechanical seal and gasket?

There are a number of mechanical seal types, each providing advantages for specific applications: the pusher type, the non-pusher, unbalanced, balanced, conventional, and cartridge type.

What is the difference between a proposition and a non proposition?

difference between a proposition and non proposition

What is the difference between agriculture and non-agriculture?

Agriculture is farming and non-agriculture is non farming.