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Q: What is the difference between neurons and protons?
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How many neurons protons and electrons does As have?


How many protons and neurons of carbon?

Protons: 6 Neutrons: Anywhere between 2 and 16. The most common isotope of carbon has 6 neutrons.

What are protons and neurons?

they are subatomic particles!

What are the 2 difference between protons and neutrons?

- protons are positive and neutrons are neutral- a small difference of mass exist

What is Michigans neighbors?

the substances of protons and neurons

One important difference between autonomic neurons and somatic neurons is the presence of?

Autonomic neurons control signals to and from the brain to smooth and cardiac. Whereas Somatic neurons control the signals to and from the skeletal system and brain.

What is the difference between neurons and neuroglia?

Neurons conduct electrical impulses in the brain. Neuroglia are cells that support the neurons. These cells undergo mitosis where neurons do not. Brain tumors are formed from neuroglia cells because they mitosis.

Whats the difference between electrons and protons?

Electrons have a negative charge and protons have a positive charge.

Are neurons made by combination of protons and mesons?

Neutrons, like protons, consist of three quarks.

A charge difference between the interior of the neuron axon and the exterior exist when the neurons is?
