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Nitrate- NO3-1

Nitrite- NO2-1

Nitrite has one less oxygen

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Heather Tremblay

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Q: What is the difference between nitrate and nitrite?
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Beautiful people pleaseeeeeeeeeee help What is the difference between nitrite and nitrate in the nitrogen cycle?

Chemical formulas: NO2 is Nitrite NO3 is Nitrate

What has a larger negative charge a nitrate ion or a nitrite ion?

The nitrate ion (NO3-) has a larger negative charge because it has three oxygen atoms with a charge of -2 each, giving a total charge of -1 for the ion. The nitrite ion (NO2-) has two oxygen atoms with a charge of -2 each, resulting in a total charge of -1 for the ion.

Do you call sodium nitrate sodium nitrite?

No, sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite are two different chemical compounds. Sodium nitrate has the chemical formula NaNO3, while sodium nitrite has the chemical formula NaNO2. They have different uses and properties in various industries, including food preservation and agriculture.

Protocol for nitrate reductase using sodium nitrite as standard?

this is because nitrate reductase test using the production of nitrite from nitrate as a measure of nitrate reductase activity

Does nitrite form nitrate?

Nitrite ions can form nitrate ions by reacting with oxidizing agents such as the oxygen in air.

Is nitrogen in the form of ammonia nitrate and nitrite is found in the soil?

Ammonia nitrate is used as fertilizer; ammonium nitrite is only a contaminant.

Is nitrogen in the form of ammonia nitrate and nitrite is found in soil?

Ammonia nitrate is used as fertilizer; ammonium nitrite is only a contaminant.

What is the name of ionic compound NaNO2?

If you mean NaNO2 than its name is Sodium Nitrite, commonly used in the curing and preservation of meats and fishSodium Nitrite

Thermal decomposition of sodium nitrate?

sodium nitrate ----> sodium nitrite + oxygen

What is the compound name for KNO3?

potassium nitrite

What is the name for Au NO2 3?

The compound Au(NO2)3 is the gold(III)nitrite.